Actually in Iowa they do have a drug stamp law you need when you are selling. you'll get charged with if you don't purchase the stamp from our government. |||||||||||||
Actually in Iowa they do have a drug stamp law you need when you are selling. you'll get charged with if you don't purchase the stamp from our government. |||||||||||||
There are lots of places like that. They do it such that when they catch you, they can fuck you for both the illegal drug possession, and they can fuck you for tax evasion. If you are stupid enough to go pick up a drug stamp, then they have an easy time of picking you up for drug possession. It's a lot of bullshit if you ask me. someone should murder the asshole who put that into place.
My work will pay 100% of tuition if I go to school.
you should take advantage of that deal.
Catch is working a 48 hour minimum work week while doing it. So it's no walk in the park. Before last week it was planned for me to start some classes next fall but that may get pushed back again. I make good money though so I'm not mad.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!