There is no hypocrisy .. People want to be protected not exploited .. So when they are exploited they voice their concern like a real American should .. 98 percent if the populatio Do not want 0 police, they just want accountability
Maybe instead of looting and threatening those in power, things that will be met with strong external opposition, they should become cops and lawyers and change things from within.
Sweet Jesus what a dumb ass response so let me get this straight.. These crooked ass people can't preform their jobs correctly so now I have to take on their professions or just dealwithit ?? Dear god
Just sayin, act like children get treated like children. Throwing a tantrum is just going to breed punishment. Not spur a conversation and compromise on equal ground.
The people looting are just ignorant black people who lived on poverty their whole life.. They're not looting because of the police.. There looting because they have no real moral compass because it was never instilled in them from good parents like we all had's really got nothing to do with the police problems we are facing
I wake up every morning and do my job how it's supposed to be done period.. If I don't do my job correctly people don't sit down and have a nice conversation about how we can make me do better in the future, I would just be fired.. Can't do you job how it's supposed to be done then gtfo, it's really that simple
I find it funny when white people sit in their nice homes and judge from what they see on TV saying, "these black people need to stop acting like animals. destroying property, looting etc" funny thing is in a few hours they'll be doing the same thing trying to get a flat screen for $100 after earlier saying what they were thankful for. Lo fucking l
I find it funny when white people sit in their nice homes and judge from what they see on TV saying, "these black people need to stop acting like animals. destroying property, looting etc" funny thing is in a few hours they'll be doing the same thing trying to get a flat screen for $100 after earlier saying what they were thankful for. Lo fucking l
Let's also not forget that plenty of looters are white. Also, as Nola stated, it's a lot of people with no moral compass looking for a reason to riot. Sam Francisco also takes a beating every time the giants have won the World Series recently. Buses are flipped over because the home town baseball team won an important game. That makes zero sense but it'l gets people in the street and then assholes do what they will.
I saw an interview with some of the Ferguson shopkeepers that were looted. Said something along the lines of "we purposefully picked this location because it was close to the police station. We figured they'd be quick to respond".
So which is it? You want them, or dont you? Typical case of pick and choose.
so let me get this straight.. These crooked ass people can't preform their jobs correctly so now I have to take on their professions or just dealwithit ??
Dear god
I expect tomorrow to still be busy but not as crazy as the last two days.