WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
KY for disagree Skeeter. When you've already spent roughly 50-100k for 95% of his educational degree, It's stupid to drop out before finishing. If he drops out now, he is in the same position he was before he started except with 100k* of debt. I'm all for cutting your losses when shit isnt happening, however when you are 2 classes from degree, get the shit done. Quit being a bitch and just make it happen.
Note - I dont know how much Alex has invested in this degree, and Im not calling him a bitch. Im just saying when you've already invested as much in it as he has, he would be stupid to quit now. It's like quitting a marathon after you've run 26 miles. Fuck that... you finish the race cause "I almost ran a marathon" doesn't say shit about what you are capable of. Rex could say the same shit by signing up for one and running 1 step.
Note 2 - Im not saying college is even the best route to go considering the expenses and payout.
yeah that was dumb too. Now it's been so long that you probably can't even take those 4 classes and get the degree. If you wanted a BS degree you'd have to start completely over. lame.
I have a better idea then this- How about you retake the two classes and just for one semester you stop going to shows 3 times a week? How about taking a break from this site for a semester? No joke man - You have a lot of things you do with your time, and if you buckled down and just made school #1 priority you'd probably get an A in both. Put the women, music, parties, internet, etc on hold while you just get this shit done. It's 4 months of your life.
yeah that was dumb too. Now it's been so long that you probably can't even take those 4 classes and get the degree. If you wanted a BS degree you'd have to start completely over. lame.
I have a better idea then this- How about you retake the two classes and just for one semester you stop going to shows 3 times a week? How about taking a break from this site for a semester? No joke man - You have a lot of things you do with your time, and if you buckled down and just made school #1 priority you'd probably get an A in both. Put the women, music, parties, internet, etc on hold while you just get this shit done. It's 4 months of your life.
idk why I posted it like that. I mean one a semester for money purposes. student loans take effect six months after you graduate or leave. one class a semester would mean I have a year and a half from now to start paying.
idk why I posted it like that. I mean one a semester for money purposes. student loans take effect six months after you graduate or leave. one class a semester would mean I have a year and a half from now to start paying.
Fuck, when I read Alex's posts it makes me thankful that I managed to land myself in a job without having to go to University and clock up a huge debt
Actually Gomez let me set you straight. Warning - What about to follows is some serious tin foil hat shit, so make of it what you will.
The first time I went to college and received my Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering, I went to an arguably top 5 Computer science/engineering school in the nation. I had no scholarship and no real financial assistance. I was able to qualify for a 5500 dollars student loan from the Gov, but that is all the money I could receive. I went to the University of Washington from 1996-1998 and transferred to Washington State Univ from 1998-2000. During this time tuition for everyone was about 3000 per year. My 4 year BS degree cost me 12,000 dollars. I also had to pay rent (150 per month) and eat (I ate a lot of Top Romen) and buy books. I graduated with 22,000 in student loans, and took a job paying 65,000 + full benefits. This was a good deal.
So where are things now? Right now at RIT my company is paying 5,000 dollars for every class I take. My two year Graduate degree at RIT cost my company 55,000 dollars. I know... different school. Well the yearly tuition at UW where I went to school is now 15-20,000 per year. To get the same degree I got students pay 80k just in tuition. So what the fuck happened?
Tin foil hat time. I think the US government wised up and realized that the best way to ensure that they stay in power is by making a slave nation that is always financially liable to the US gov. Why physically force people into slavery when you can economically accomplish the same thing through a double edge sword. You either go to school and get hand cuffed to a tremendous amount of debt, or you get stuck with shitty jobs making a shitty wage and living off the system. They win either way. Either way they have a society that is 100% dependent on their tit, and no one is going to lash out at those who hold their prize. I don't think the US government is in any way looking out for the best interest of the people. It is not a country of opportunity where they want a smart innovative society. No... WE are cattle. We are a mass of people that can be used for their own personal gain. That's all it is.... And There isnt anyway you can get out of playing their game. Well unless you can get yourself out of this country.
Fuck the system. Sell drugs. They can't tax the fun drugs.
I agree with fuck the system, but eventually the system will catch up with you... not because they think it's really wrong, but because they want their take of your money too.
Yeah if you sell drugs long enough, you'll get fucked. It definitely won't pay the bills unless you're moving serious weight which is really dangerous. Selling drugs on the side helps you pay for your drugs doe.
Note - I dont know how much Alex has invested in this degree, and Im not calling him a bitch. Im just saying when you've already invested as much in it as he has, he would be stupid to quit now. It's like quitting a marathon after you've run 26 miles. Fuck that... you finish the race cause "I almost ran a marathon" doesn't say shit about what you are capable of. Rex could say the same shit by signing up for one and running 1 step.
Note 2 - Im not saying college is even the best route to go considering the expenses and payout.
Shit sucks.
The first time I went to college and received my Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering, I went to an arguably top 5 Computer science/engineering school in the nation. I had no scholarship and no real financial assistance. I was able to qualify for a 5500 dollars student loan from the Gov, but that is all the money I could receive. I went to the University of Washington from 1996-1998 and transferred to Washington State Univ from 1998-2000. During this time tuition for everyone was about 3000 per year. My 4 year BS degree cost me 12,000 dollars. I also had to pay rent (150 per month) and eat (I ate a lot of Top Romen) and buy books. I graduated with 22,000 in student loans, and took a job paying 65,000 + full benefits. This was a good deal.
So where are things now? Right now at RIT my company is paying 5,000 dollars for every class I take. My two year Graduate degree at RIT cost my company 55,000 dollars. I know... different school. Well the yearly tuition at UW where I went to school is now 15-20,000 per year. To get the same degree I got students pay 80k just in tuition. So what the fuck happened?
Tin foil hat time. I think the US government wised up and realized that the best way to ensure that they stay in power is by making a slave nation that is always financially liable to the US gov. Why physically force people into slavery when you can economically accomplish the same thing through a double edge sword. You either go to school and get hand cuffed to a tremendous amount of debt, or you get stuck with shitty jobs making a shitty wage and living off the system. They win either way. Either way they have a society that is 100% dependent on their tit, and no one is going to lash out at those who hold their prize. I don't think the US government is in any way looking out for the best interest of the people. It is not a country of opportunity where they want a smart innovative society. No... WE are cattle. We are a mass of people that can be used for their own personal gain. That's all it is.... And There isnt anyway you can get out of playing their game. Well unless you can get yourself out of this country.