it is a shame. I mean yes, Im going to explore any other options, but the school is itself is really goddamn strict about "these are your courses, this is what you need to graduate, no exceptions," even if its something like real estate, finance, etc.
thing is, the more I chip away at it, the further into student loan debt I get. and even if I finish my two classes and then bail for a bit, Ill have to start paying the loansI already have back in 6 months. so in a way, trying to do these two classes next semester will put my payments off for just over a year from now. furthermore, I dont know if these classes are even available next semester, much less as full lengths and not accelerated.
I'm dropping out and moving West. I'm looking for a grow friendly rental house any where in CO, OR, WA, or CA. I found a few but I'm probably not moving til this summer.
Have you thought about retaking the class in like summer school or something?
just did a bunch of research/calculating and thats what its gonna have to be. finance and real estate retaken next semester or one class per semester to ensure I pass.
im gonna be on probation all of next semester anyway so Im pretty much gridlocked as it is lol
american school system is a scam. want to get a job that you can actually support yourself with? give me thousands of dollars, take a fuck ton of classes that you really don't need to get a piece of paper that says you can do it? does it guarantee you a job? not really. if you can't pass a class that doesn't relate to your major, but still need it to advance, shit outta luck
how fucking weak is that doe? the countrys most expensive kindergarten and I basically have to drop with 6 credits left because even though Ive been killing it the past four semesters, technical bullshit becomes the death of me.
Dropping out with 6 credits left is a huge mistake.
lifes a beach.
im gonna be on probation all of next semester anyway so Im pretty much gridlocked as it is lol
roommate fucking punching keys on his computer like he's trying to put a hole in the keyboard. click softer.