Im very very thankful for the knowledge ive gained over the past (17.5 GODDAMN) years in school. I know itll get me further in life by a little bit, even though there clearly wont be any degree to speak of for now. if it werent for a very challenging math course and a top-tier challenging real estate class, Id be outta here in december.
not pissed because others have done it and I havent, necessarily, but because these two fucking classes that have jack shit to do with my major have basically killed me. my only hope would be if this finance class is offered next semester as a full length.
the main problem with this particular class has been that analyzing a word problem, finding the corresponding equation, plugging the numbers into said equation, and solving twenty-six different times in a 75 minute time limit is too much for me to handle. I finally basically get the material, but Im not fast enough.
>FINALLY get the hang of finance equations >have everything ready for exam II >take exam >plug everything in properly >realize time is flying by >ohshit.jpg >fail test because I wasnt fast enough >essentially just flunked the course because theres only 3 exams and no homework point opportunities
fuck school. Im fucking done. thats it. time to drop out and make money busting my ass full time and work my way up the ladder.
not pissed because others have done it and I havent, necessarily, but because these two fucking classes that have jack shit to do with my major have basically killed me. my only hope would be if this finance class is offered next semester as a full length.
time to go to intronaut...
no kidding. if I knew adding business onto my interdisciplinary degree was going to involve horseshit like this, Id have stayed a COM major.
none of my business classes have been difficult at all until now, which is part of why Im so heated.
> almost hilarious