I still regret not going to Electric Forest for the simple reason I still haven't seen Schoolboy
Saw Schoolboy for the 2nd time at Summer Set. I wanna go to Electric Forest next year. Got like 6 motherfuckers down for it so it should happen for sure.
Not having a job is killing me. I'm spending money way too fast. Fuck I need to find a different job or start trappin hard until February. I'm missing that $12 an hour...
Out of season. Nobody needs their windows washed in the winter. Shit will pick back up I February. After I drop out, I'll be bringing home like $500-600 every week.
>FINALLY get the hang of finance equations >have everything ready for exam II >take exam >plug everything in properly >realize time is flying by >ohshit.jpg >fail test because I wasnt fast enough >essentially just flunked the course because theres only 3 exams and no homework point opportunities
fuck school. Im fucking done. thats it. time to drop out and make money busting my ass full time and work my way up the ladder.
how fucking weak is that doe? the countrys most expensive kindergarten and I basically have to drop with 6 credits left because even though Ive been killing it the past four semesters, technical bullshit becomes the death of me.
Burger King doesn't do 10 nuggets for 1.49 anymore. I ordered 20 nuggets and the bitch was like "that's gonna be $6 and thirty something cents"
>have everything ready for exam II
>take exam
>plug everything in properly
>realize time is flying by
>fail test because I wasnt fast enough
>essentially just flunked the course because theres only 3 exams and no homework point opportunities
fuck school. Im fucking done. thats it. time to drop out and make money busting my ass full time and work my way up the ladder.