and fuck the trash talk, living on campus was dope as fuck. I kick myself for ever having bitched about it. it might suck living with other fags, but youve got it made on campus. in most cases youre all paid for to live on your own and do pretty much as you choose.
yeah of course living in an apartment is better but I cant believe I ever used to complain about my campus living. my freshman year I got 7 all-you-can-eat meals a week, free transportation to and from anywhere on campus, loads of hot bitchez on every floor of each dorm, on top of the privacy factor, yet I still found it easy to whine. smfh.
For real though erik you have no idea how expensive it is to live. Bills are fucking redic expensive. That's without even factoring food, which you don't even really think about when you are dependent on other people. Food is a fucking killer on the wallet.
For real though erik you have no idea how expensive it is to live. Bills are fucking redic expensive. That's without even factoring food, which you don't even really think about when you are dependent on other people. Food is a fucking killer on the wallet.
living on campus definitely had it's perks, but the majority of my loans were for living on campus. I didn't take out any loans this semester and I'd like to keep it this way. I'm not independent, but it's hard to be in school and have a full time job to support yourself and not hate life. Especially with how much it costs to live in the silicon valley.
Oh I'm sorry I forgot you work at a fucking ice cream shop and you're in such a higher position to talk shit.
I dont work in an ice cream shop And i probably make close to double what you make so yeah i'm in a position to talk shit.
Did you not tho? You can shut the fuck up, I'm 18 and have only worked at 1 place, gotta go thru shit jobs before you start gettin paid more. Least I'm not a bum that doesn't wanna work. Being unemployed is driving me nuts.
inb4 I live wit my Mom too. How fucking old are you?
I'm 20 Why is my age relevant?
Point is, I don't plan on mooching off my parents, I plan on living with them. I already work a warehouse job when I'm home, and work desk at school. Any and all leisure expenses I pay for with my own money. Sure my parents help out with the school bills, and I'm very greatful for that, but I also have loans of my own too - which I am expected to pay back with my own money.
Quite frankly, there's two major reasons I plan on moving back in with my parents. 1. The I am not going to make a lot of money going into the music industry. At least starting off. If I was on my own, I barley afford living out of a van. Splitting bills with my parents would ease that burden.
2. Since I don't plan on getting married or starting a family, it's not like I'm in a dire need to get out of the house for privacy. Plus, living alone would most likely get real lonely. And I'd rather live with family, then with some random roommate.
I wish I could mooch off my parent. She's been mooching off me ever since I turned 16 and got a job. If my Grandmother wasn't a goddamn saint and helping me pay my tuition I wouldn't be in college right now.
my dads my roommate. We split the bills 50/50 and I pay for all my own food/toiletries
my dads a fucking asshole he would kick me out before letting me slide in bills
yeah of course living in an apartment is better but I cant believe I ever used to complain about my campus living. my freshman year I got 7 all-you-can-eat meals a week, free transportation to and from anywhere on campus, loads of hot bitchez on every floor of each dorm, on top of the privacy factor, yet I still found it easy to whine. smfh.
Point is, I don't plan on mooching off my parents, I plan on living with them. I already work a warehouse job when I'm home, and work desk at school. Any and all leisure expenses I pay for with my own money. Sure my parents help out with the school bills, and I'm very greatful for that, but I also have loans of my own too - which I am expected to pay back with my own money.
Quite frankly, there's two major reasons I plan on moving back in with my parents.
1. The I am not going to make a lot of money going into the music industry. At least starting off. If I was on my own, I barley afford living out of a van. Splitting bills with my parents would ease that burden.
2. Since I don't plan on getting married or starting a family, it's not like I'm in a dire need to get out of the house for privacy. Plus, living alone would most likely get real lonely. And I'd rather live with family, then with some random roommate.
> is unemployed
your hypocrite is showing.