That sucks. Iv got a lot of shit going on right now. I got shit faced all weekend, and because of that i was depressed Monday and Tuesday. I don't know still kind of feeling it now. I go through patches with that shit it comes and it goes. Plus "winter is coming" so that probably has something to do with it.
fucking gay as fuck. I know Ill see them in la in the next year or so but thats a lot more money and more importantly ITS NOT AN HOUR FROM NOW ( ( ( ( ( (
all I knew is that they were playing in la on halloween night this year. was bummed because that wouldnt work out so I said whatever and in a separate event, never bothered to look at the state fair's lineup this year either. had I known even 12 hours ago, this would have worked. fucking weak.
summer is coming here \m/
Snow. Covered. Forests.
time to kmfs
fuck gotta get drunk tonight