Basically we have a session that we have to edit. Rename and rearrange everything. I got everything up to track editing done, and i cant do it. This would be done already on my DAW back in my room, but I cant figure out how to copy and move files around without fucking up the whole song.
I'd recommend looking up youtube videos or something. Pro Tools is very popular so there's probably something that can help you.
I had to pay for a subsription to a Protools video how-to service. It helps. But its still frustrating. I think its more my unfamilarity with iOS, and the shitty mouse at this point.
Speaking of bad days at work. I'm not a rotisserie bitch anymore, but I feel bad for this kid I work with who is. Somebody forgot to order the chickens, and go figure the day we run out is sunday, the day we sell by far the most. We sell around 200 on a Sunday, coming in we had 72. Everybody was bitching at him, and it's not like it was even remotely his fault.
Found out all the work I'm putting in this semester and debt I'm getting into might be for nothing and the credits might not transfer. Fun fucking stuff.
I feel like that happens way more often than it should. Literally everybody I know that tries transferring our of CC or something has that issue even though they cushion you when you're talking to an advisor by specifically saying they'll help make sure you don't get in that exact situation.
tryhard catchy intro--> breakdown--> tryhard catchy intro reprise--> gay cleans--> tryhard guitar solo--> repeat
for a song, id be a rich man.