Well, back im MY day... gas was $1 a gallon, food was 1/3 the price, and there were jobs available if you were willing to work, and you could get a full and unrestricted license at 16. It was easy to move out.
Cobb and Gwinnett counties are part of the metro Atlanta area, but opted out of it's public transportation because they were afraid it would bring in lower class people. A lot of people screamed racism about it and it was pretty controversial here for a while. They ended up being right though. The north part of Fulton county, which extends outside what most people consider "The City" went from being really high class to a shithole. I grew up in Cobb County, so you have to drive a minimum of 30 minutes to even get to the MARTA lines
Well, back im MY day... gas was $1 a gallon, food was 1/3 the price, and there were jobs available if you were willing to work, and you could get a full and unrestricted license at 16. It was easy to move out.
Times have changed.
When I quit high school, the gas station next to my apartment had regular for $.77 a gallon. I could drive all week in my little 4 cylinder for about $8.
Well, back im MY day... gas was $1 a gallon, food was 1/3 the price, and there were jobs available if you were willing to work, and you could get a full and unrestricted license at 16. It was easy to move out.
Yeah public transportation goes pretty much everywhere in my metro area, and my friend Shirl works at the hospital, she gives me her transportation card that lasts 6 months. Gonna get a car in the spring, but I might still take the bus to work. You can't beat free.
Idk what's goin on lately but I've been having weird mood shifts lately it's weird .. One day I'll be super happy and positive the next day wicked depressed and crazy anxiety.. Hopefully it's just a passing thing
that being said
having a car >>>>>
Times have changed.
When I quit high school, the gas station next to my apartment had regular for $.77 a gallon. I could drive all week in my little 4 cylinder for about $8.