Trippin in the woods is awesome. I don't like tripping alone though. I just get the feeling I really stand out when I'm the only one on something. Then I start thinking about it too much.
Fuck I keep getting junk mail from every kind of dating site. Whoever's sending this shit thinks I'm a lonely black/Asian/Hispanic senior citizen who's lookin' to stick my cock in anything and everything.
I just wish people would be up front, instead of bullshiting around and misleading others.
I feel ya man. :-<
Last couple days I've been really struggling with whether to keep trying for this girl, or give up hope.
Id' really have to explain the situation, but I'd just get a lot of shit on here, so it's pointless. It's just irritating that people can't be straight forward with each other.
This isnt just some broad Im kinda interested in though. I've been rejected before. I've been dumped before. Those other times were easy... This time isnt as easy.
goddammit we came to this nice ass benihana in vegas and it turns out an anime convention just let out next door. fucking weeaboos everywhere... where do you think they flocked to for dinner? THEYRE SO FUCKING LOUD AND AWKWARD.
Can they figure our you're grammar?
I've been getting a shit ton of ads for dating websites lately too. All different kinds across all media outlets.
I get the same shit. Been in a relationship for 6 years now
I feel ya man. :-<
Last couple days I've been really struggling with whether to keep trying for this girl, or give up hope.
> girl rejects you
> unsure on whether to keep trying or not
Fucking ky. Move on to a new gush dude.
Id' really have to explain the situation, but I'd just get a lot of shit on here, so it's pointless. It's just irritating that people can't be straight forward with each other.
Its not that simple man.
I assure you that it is
Yes it is dude. Fact is rejection is just part of the game. Especially when you're just starting out.
I dunno maybe if you made your intentions clear from the start, you would know off rip instead of being a pussy and waiting for her all this time?
Know right off the rip that she ain't fuckin wit you.
goddammit we came to this nice ass benihana in vegas and it turns out an anime convention just let out next door. fucking weeaboos everywhere... where do you think they flocked to for dinner? THEYRE SO FUCKING LOUD AND AWKWARD.