No sympathy for the friend zoned. You do that shit to yourself.
Normally I'd agree with this. Short version is met her back in april, started hanging out/talking, over the course of the next 2 months or so she starts saying she wants to see me/she's thinking about me/she misses me at least a few times a week. A couple nights ago sends me a text saying she has to ask me something, asks "We're friends right?", and basically went on to say she was already with someone (she was when i met her), and said "I don't want to lead you on/hurt you" etc etc.......Like, seriously? I don't understand how you couldn't have mentioned this fucking two months ago, and it's even more aggravating considering how she acts/talks towards me. And now she's saying she still wants to hang out/talk to me regularly, and honestly, I wish it could work like that, but I don't see it.
This is my point exactly... She wants to have her cake and eat it too. But the choice is yours to stick around playing grab ass in the friend zone, or you can say "nope" and move the fuck on. Maybe your gone for good, or maybe she realizes she was wrong and she wants the D, but either way at least you can keep your head held high not playing some Olympic Simp games.
All I know is, I don't want to be a fall back, or someone's second choice, or whatever. It's always the same, only it's not. It's whatever, though.
I feel like some people are just destined to be this type. Im definitely one. I doubt im ever going to be somebody's first choice. Im starting to think that way too though. I dont want to settle on "second best" either. Its a sign of the times. Everyone wants their options open, and they're willing to forgo happiness for it.
It sounds like both of you are about to ky over some bitches who have been leading you on for a while now... And maybe you should if you're not gonna do anything about it or move on.
No. For a couple weeks up until she told me all of this, I kind of suspected it just from a couple things she said that I found somewhat odd. I hung out with her the day before she told me that, and I was giving her a back/neck massage (she'd been complaining about having back pains), and i kissed her neck and then her once, and she didn't try to pull away or do anything other than go with it. She ended up having to leave anyways to go to work, so I headed home, and then I didn't hear from her again until the next night.
I'm not trying to be macho or funny, but by not at least letting bitchez know you're trying to fuck and aren't just being their chat buddy, you're exposing yourself to friendzoning. It really important to be up front with girls from the get go. A lot of women have no idea the effect they have on men (lucky us), so there's times when they really have no idea that you feel that way about them. Even in their late teens and early 20s women have a lot of emotional scarring from rejection by other men because they're so sensitive. That can make them kinda oblivious to the advances of men who aren't aggressive enough because of their own lacking of self worth. You'd prolly be surprised how far you'll get with a lot of girls just by being up front about how attractive you think they are. I've always had a gift for finding the one trait that woman are self conscious about and complimenting them on it. If you do shit like that, it makes them feel uniquely appreciated and forces them to consider you in a different light
You'd prolly be surprised how far you'll get with a lot of girls just by being up front about how attractive you think they are. I've always had a gift for finding the one trait that woman are self conscious about and complimenting them on it. If you do shit like that, it makes them feel uniquely appreciated and forces them to consider you in a different light
Which is exactly what I did over the last month or so. I literally feel like I handled everything right, or as well as I could have up to that point, I made my intentions very clear and so did she, or at least so it seemed. I'm mainly just confused as to why she would let what happened the day before happen, just to turn around and say she was already with someone.
I would be immediately pissed off at her if you made your intentions known and she continued to lead you on. No bullshit: stop talking to her ASAP. She's trying manipulate you
Did you ever try to fuck her?
I feel like some people are just destined to be this type. Im definitely one. I doubt im ever going to be somebody's first choice. Im starting to think that way too though. I dont want to settle on "second best" either. Its a sign of the times. Everyone wants their options open, and they're willing to forgo happiness for it.
No. For a couple weeks up until she told me all of this, I kind of suspected it just from a couple things she said that I found somewhat odd. I hung out with her the day before she told me that, and I was giving her a back/neck massage (she'd been complaining about having back pains), and i kissed her neck and then her once, and she didn't try to pull away or do anything other than go with it. She ended up having to leave anyways to go to work, so I headed home, and then I didn't hear from her again until the next night.
I'm not trying to be macho or funny, but by not at least letting bitchez know you're trying to fuck and aren't just being their chat buddy, you're exposing yourself to friendzoning. It really important to be up front with girls from the get go. A lot of women have no idea the effect they have on men (lucky us), so there's times when they really have no idea that you feel that way about them. Even in their late teens and early 20s women have a lot of emotional scarring from rejection by other men because they're so sensitive. That can make them kinda oblivious to the advances of men who aren't aggressive enough because of their own lacking of self worth. You'd prolly be surprised how far you'll get with a lot of girls just by being up front about how attractive you think they are. I've always had a gift for finding the one trait that woman are self conscious about and complimenting them on it. If you do shit like that, it makes them feel uniquely appreciated and forces them to consider you in a different light
Which is exactly what I did over the last month or so. I literally feel like I handled everything right, or as well as I could have up to that point, I made my intentions very clear and so did she, or at least so it seemed. I'm mainly just confused as to why she would let what happened the day before happen, just to turn around and say she was already with someone.
I would be immediately pissed off at her if you made your intentions known and she continued to lead you on. No bullshit: stop talking to her ASAP. She's trying manipulate you
Trying to move in on some dudes territory? Snake.
the heart wants what it wants... And most of the time, a girl's heart wants the D.
You're a strange person