How so? I'm not being sarcastic just so you know, I'm legitimately asking. I smoke weed pretty frequently but have never tried anything else. Not that the reason I'm asking you is so I can go test a bunch of new drugs or anything lol
Depends on how you look at it. Most of those changes would be considered positive and may to lead to some "quality of life" changes. Those are all benefits. A lot of cunty people could live a lot happier lives after a good shroom trip.
Tripping makes you think deep thoughts that you don't usually have when you're sober. Most people that have tried a psychedelic will tell you it's a life-changing experience but you gotta try to take something out of it and not just trip for the sake of tripping. Some people get scared shitless cuz their mind starts going a mile a minute and they don't know what to think. If you're gonna trip, do it in the right place with the right people or you'll never wanna trip again.
throw back to the pizza rolls convo. Contributing to my childhood obesity was my grandma deep frying pizza rolls. They were so delicious but looking back holy fuck
I used to love tripping. I'm in an insanely bad place mentally right now and I know tripping would be really bad. Tested the waters with shrooms at roo and noped out.
Settings is important, but your head space is more important imo. You can do shroom just about anywhere if your ok in your own head, but even the most perfect setting for it can be a disaster if you have some brain baggage you've been hiding from and denying yourself about.
fuck i am irate. my buddies friend had a bunch of 30s but someone stole her purse.
Weed, shrooms, basically any kind of psychedelic drug is good for you in some way or another.
Pretty interesting stuff
That is pretty interesting, but not specifically good for you.
Depends on how you look at it. Most of those changes would be considered positive and may to lead to some "quality of life" changes. Those are all benefits. A lot of cunty people could live a lot happier lives after a good shroom trip.
the time i tripped just scared the fuck outta me.
fucking irate
throw back to the pizza rolls convo. Contributing to my childhood obesity was my grandma deep frying pizza rolls. They were so delicious but looking back holy fuck
The time I did shrooms was fucking fantastic.
Shrooms is all about the setting
Settings is important, but your head space is more important imo. You can do shroom just about anywhere if your ok in your own head, but even the most perfect setting for it can be a disaster if you have some brain baggage you've been hiding from and denying yourself about.
the woods will figure our you're baggage