fucking faggot ass nigger roommate ate half my pizza. about to make one of his tomorrow.
Bought a 150 count box of pizza rolls, it has two bags in it. Had it 5 days before I went to get any, motherfucker was a ready in the second bag. Boutta label shit I ain't about racing to eat my food
i used to eat like a fat ass....but iv been losing weight for the past year and a lot of it is because i know what im putting in my body and what shouldn't be going in there.....just because you are skinny doesn't mean you cant still have a heart attack from eating like shit
Speaking of which....this shit pisses me off
TLDR...maori kid gets let off drink driving and theft charges as he is heir to the maori throne
>tell someone to blow their brains out fuck
>call a black person the n word piece of shit
im glad to hear they are back together
I'm glad you guys care who i'm with.
dudes cheats on you with 2 different girls and you still go back
wait she went back to that dude?

Girls are fucking stupid sometimes god damn
you late as fuck doe dawg
Bought a 150 count box of pizza rolls, it has two bags in it. Had it 5 days before I went to get any, motherfucker was a ready in the second bag. Boutta label shit I ain't about racing to eat my food
you can eat garbage all you want no reason to get irate about it
two letters is the new irate
Should I really be taking diet tips from you doe :-?
i used to eat like a fat ass....but iv been losing weight for the past year and a lot of it is because i know what im putting in my body and what shouldn't be going in there.....just because you are skinny doesn't mean you cant still have a heart attack from eating like shit