shit i'm leavin prob 11am. Since i'm northern baltimore county. No traffic is prob under 2 hours. but if i hit that lovely 95 or 495 traffic, i could be in trouble lol
I love the set but I wish they were playing 2 minutes to midnight instead of running free. Maybe end on Hallowed then whatever. it will be fun anyway
btw JL: did they have a best buy reward zone line at your show? At my venue they had one for mayhem last year. They pat you down before the doors open so when the doors open the line moves quicker and you just walk right through
btw JL: did they have a best buy reward zone line at your show? At my venue they had one for mayhem last year. They pat you down before the doors open so when the doors open the line moves quicker and you just walk right through
I love Running Free, it's one of my favorite songs on S/T. I don't get why people dislike it so much. It was a really good way to end the show.
It's not that I dislike it it's just idk really lol. I don't necessarily like Di'Anno's vocals anyway I think I'll like it when I hear it extended and when I'm actually at the show
Let me just say, this is the first time I've ever felt out of place at a Metal show. The old people outnumbered the Teens/younger dudes for once lol. It was odd. This also kinda dampened the experience, because even during motherfucking MAIDEN, the crowd was dead, not much more than whistling, clapping, and some "MAIDEN! MAIDEN! MAIDEN!" chants. Didn't even see much headbanging. 2 other things that dampened the show for me, was the fact of how far back my seat was, and I HATE the First Midwest Bank Ampitheater, everything echoes terribly, and I understood very little of Bruce's stage banter due to that.
Well I got there just as Dream Theater was playing Home, and got to see Constant Motion, Panic Attack, and Pull Me Under, they were fucking perfect, but they might as well have been a no name local band, because it seemed as if I was the only one who actually gave a shit about them. >_> 10/10
IRON FUCKING MAIDEN: What is there to say? I'm absolutely speechless over them still. They're living legends and for a goddamn reason. If they had played classics, this would have easily been the best show I've ever seen, but since I don't listen to Dance Of Death or A Matter Of Life And Death all that much, I found myself getting a bit bored during the 5 songs from those albums. But The Wicker Man and Ghost Of The Navigator can't be explained in words. I'm surprised I didn't blow my voice out screaming those songs. The Wicker Man was such an epic way to start the show. Their stage set-up was easily the best I've ever seen. And I'm amazed that these guys are like 60, and they're the most energetic band I've ever seen live. Bruce was literally all over the place. When they played Blood Brothers, they dedicated it to Dio and said (Like I said, it was very hard to understand Bruce due to the echo.) Dio is making Rainbows In The Dark, and I nearly shed tears, call me a homo for that, I don't give a fuck, but it was an amazing moment for me, it was heartwarming to see them pay tribute to a fellow Metal Musician. Screamed like crazy for Brave New World as well. I love that album in general, so all 4 songs that they played from it were incredible. When Eddie came on stage, that was an incredibly epic moment, just like I thought it would be, funny that a Puppet (Or unknown dude in a suit lolz.) is so iconic. He destroyed one of their Guitars lolz, he threw it to the side of the stage. El Dorado live was really good, however, that song is kinda eh for me right now anyways. When they went offstage before the encore, the crowd went absolute batshit insane for an encore, probably the loudest I've ever heard a crowd get. It was fucking mental. I lost control for Number Of The Beast and just screamed every line at the top of my lungs. Fucking legendary song, and I finally saw it live. Kinda hard to believe, but that wasn't the best, oh no. HALLOWED. BE. THY. NAME. After seeing that song live, I could never see a live show again and be happy. (Well....not really, but you know what I'm saying. :P) Holy. FUCK. I can't even describe it. The band took on a God-like presence for me when they were playing it. It seemed unreal. It's the best live song I've EVER seen. It was so unbelievably beyond perfect. They should of closed the show with that song, but as everyone knows, they ended with Running Free. As a lot of other people on here have said, I'm not much of a fan of Running Free, but it was fun nonetheless and got the crowd going crazy. But WOW. Legendary night for me. I now truly know the meaning of "You haven't seen a Metal show until you've seen Maiden." it embodied everything a Metal show SHOULD be. (Coulda used a bit more carnage, but eh. :P) I feel proud to say I saw them. I saw living legends perform live. I feel like I accomplished something. Such a rewarding experience. I wish I could re-live it a couple dozen more times. Behemoth is still the best show I've ever seen, but for obvious reasons, but this comes in so very close, and like I said, had they played classics, this would have been number one, no question about it. I really hope this isn't the true "Final Frontier" because I need to see them at least one more time, but if I don't, then I won't regret it, because at least I got to see them once. My only regret is that Studio Maiden will never sound as good anymore. 11/10
Oh, and for merch, I bought the Maiden shirt where Eddie is like a wooden giant, and he's on fire, and a bunch of people at the bottom are running and trying to put him out. At first I thought it was the Chicago event shirt, representing the Chicago Fire, but I guess not. Oh well.
Just got in an hour ago from maiden. Did the Chicago to cincy drive in just under 4 hours. Loved the set and the set list. Only thing I really would have switched was take wrathchild out and put in paschendale. But really absolutely no complaints. I started off second row of people and about halfway thru the ones in front of me gave up and I got on the barrier. No event shirts for Chicago but I did break down and get a tour shirt.
And I got a pick! Adrian smith pick to be exact.
My best friend caught a drumstick and a pick. He took a ful video of wicker man and number of the beast so I'll steal them and put them up when I can. He also took about 50 pictures.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I'm so incredibly psyched. Even more so then when I first saw Behemoth. O_O
But out of all the songs on Brave New World, I wish they were playing The Mercenary, or Dream Of Mirrors.
whatever. it will be fun anyway
btw JL: did they have a best buy reward zone line at your show? At my venue they had one for mayhem last year. They pat you down before the doors open so when the doors open the line moves quicker and you just walk right through
Trust me, Running Free is great when they play it. And they way they extend it really gets the crowd involved at the end.
I love Running Free, it's one of my favorite songs on S/T. I don't get why people dislike it so much. It was a really good way to end the show.
I think I'll like it when I hear it extended and when I'm actually at the show
Just holy shit....I'll write a review in a minute.
Let me just say, this is the first time I've ever felt out of place at a Metal show. The old people outnumbered the Teens/younger dudes for once lol. It was odd. This also kinda dampened the experience, because even during motherfucking MAIDEN, the crowd was dead, not much more than whistling, clapping, and some "MAIDEN! MAIDEN! MAIDEN!" chants. Didn't even see much headbanging. 2 other things that dampened the show for me, was the fact of how far back my seat was, and I HATE the First Midwest Bank Ampitheater, everything echoes terribly, and I understood very little of Bruce's stage banter due to that.
Well I got there just as Dream Theater was playing Home, and got to see Constant Motion, Panic Attack, and Pull Me Under, they were fucking perfect, but they might as well have been a no name local band, because it seemed as if I was the only one who actually gave a shit about them. >_>
IRON FUCKING MAIDEN: What is there to say? I'm absolutely speechless over them still. They're living legends and for a goddamn reason. If they had played classics, this would have easily been the best show I've ever seen, but since I don't listen to Dance Of Death or A Matter Of Life And Death all that much, I found myself getting a bit bored during the 5 songs from those albums.
After seeing that song live, I could never see a live show again and be happy. (Well....not really, but you know what I'm saying. :P) Holy. FUCK. I can't even describe it. The band took on a God-like presence for me when they were playing it. It seemed unreal. It's the best live song I've EVER seen. It was so unbelievably beyond perfect. They should of closed the show with that song, but as everyone knows, they ended with Running Free. As a lot of other people on here have said, I'm not much of a fan of Running Free, but it was fun nonetheless and got the crowd going crazy. But WOW. Legendary night for me. I now truly know the meaning of "You haven't seen a Metal show until you've seen Maiden." it embodied everything a Metal show SHOULD be. (Coulda used a bit more carnage, but eh. :P) I feel proud to say I saw them. I saw living legends perform live. I feel like I accomplished something. Such a rewarding experience. I wish I could re-live it a couple dozen more times. Behemoth is still the best show I've ever seen, but for obvious reasons, but this comes in so very close, and like I said, had they played classics, this would have been number one, no question about it. I really hope this isn't the true "Final Frontier" because I need to see them at least one more time, but if I don't, then I won't regret it, because at least I got to see them once. My only regret is that Studio Maiden will never sound as good anymore. 11/10
And I got a pick! Adrian smith pick to be exact.
My best friend caught a drumstick and a pick. He took a ful video of wicker man and number of the beast so I'll steal them and put them up when I can. He also took about 50 pictures.
so merch is outside and inside right?