Holy shit watching Mark Hamill talking about new StarWars is savage
I found a Youtube compilation of interviews with Mark Hamill. He hated Episode 7 and hates the Episode 8 script (as far as Luke's story is concerned so far). And hes pretty vocal about it
Holy shit watching Mark Hamill talking about new StarWars is savage
I found a Youtube compilation of interviews with Mark Hamill. He hated Episode 7 and hates the Episode 8 script (as far as Luke's story is concerned so far). And hes pretty vocal about it
Doesn't matter anyway. You're not gonna go see the movie to enjoy it. You will justify looking to pick it apart and hate on it. You can't enjoy popular things, we get it. You've already made up your mind about it, and like everything else, you are just looking for more confirmation bias at this point.
Doesn't matter anyway. You're not gonna go see the movie to enjoy it. You will justify looking to pick it apart and hate on it. You can't enjoy popular things, we get it. You've already made up your mind about it, and like everything else, you are just looking for more confirmation bias at this point.
Its not because its popular. I love the other 6 movies. The new ones are just bad. Shitty fan fiction style writing, Disney branding all over it. Theyre just bad.
He dislikes some things but it's nowhere near as bad as that video makes it seem. Often in the same interviews, he would say his ideas don't all make sense, they would just be cool moments etc or he sees why they did things a certain way, or that their ideas worked better than his etc. He's been vocal as fuck about the shit he doesn't/didn't like, but to say he is shitting all over it is stretching the truth of not a flat out lie, hence all the edits. He might not like how people see his character, or the story might not go the way he would like it to, but that guy loves the franchise like almost no one else could.
That would be so 2017
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Fuck that thicc shit.
Gee I wonder why they don't go with his ideas?