Cabrera started at third base when he began his career and if the Tigers had made the World Series last year, that's where he would have played in the National League park. He's not a great fielder by any means but he can play it, and it eliminates the liability that was Brandon Inge at that position. Plus it might take Delmon Young out of the outfield and to the DH spot, which is best for him. They're not a great fielding team for sure....we'll see. I don't think there's much lost defensively.
I have lots of thought on this, but unfortunately as a Sox fan, most of them will sound like jealousy and sour grapes, which probably might be a litte true.
cabrera will have to lose some weight to play 3rd, and he wasn't very good at it to begin with. they'll prolly mash everyone though. cabrera-fielder back to back (or vice versa) is gonna be hard to beat
We were horrible at third base regardless last year. With Inge, he's a competent fielder but a near automatic strikeout every at-bat. Then we had Betemit, who's a bad fielder but a good hitter who went into a terrible slump in the playoffs.
The money for Prince is outrageous, supposedly they were only bidding against themselves too, which makes less sense. And also on ESPN radio, they were saying what incentive does he have now to drop weight. If they win a world series then it's all worth it, but if they don't they will be fucked down the line. Kind of like when the Hawks signed Hossa and Campbell I suppose. Everyone thought they overpaid, and they probably did, but because they won the cup it was all worth it.
Cabrera or Prince? Because Cabrera's going to play 3rd. They won't DH him all year.
1.trying to win the cup
2. ticket sales
Having the son of a famous former Tiger player come and joining your team always sells tickets. The fact he is a beast hitter helps as well.