People say mean shit on the internet all the time. You people are fucking dumb.
agreed, people are way to sensitive. if nobody replied to his little joke that would be the end of it. but Bianca and Alex showed that it does bother them so thats just going to keep it going
No, that seriously really did piss me off. Are you joking me? You're cool with just saying something like that to my fucking girlfriend?
Your *online* girlfriend... Oh I know... you are moving to the east coast. Was that last month, or the mother before? ) But seriously dude... your gf doesnt want to have these little blow ups with me, tell her to block me and don't fucking talk to me. I Rarely say anything directly to her, unless she opens he skank trap.
I'm not just letting something like that go unspoken on my part. End of story. If this were by some newly made troll account, it could be anyone. But nah. It was a 40-year-old father. A guy who claims to argue logic and then says something like that.
I'm not just letting something like that go unspoken on my part. End of story. If this were by some newly made troll account, it could be anyone. But nah. It was a 40-year-old father. A guy who claims to argue logic and then says something like that.
Absolutely not cool with me.
but you gave him exactly what he wanted. that will not deter him from doing it in the future
And Wake I think you're a pretty cool dude and you seem to be intelligent but no matter what people say and do on forums you shouldn't make fun of dead siblings. I think an apology is due.
No, that seriously really did piss me off. Are you joking me? You're cool with just saying something like that to my fucking girlfriend?
Your *online* girlfriend... Oh I know... you are moving to the east coast. Was that last month, or the mother before? ) But seriously dude... your gf doesnt want to have these little blow ups with me, tell her to block me and don't fucking talk to me. I Rarely say anything directly to her, unless she opens he skank trap.
It doesn't matter. She's my girlfriend. I love her. I'm going to defend her when something like that is said to her.
As a member of this forum having been around most of you for 4-5 years, I have no side to this ongoing battle.
Should Wake have said that? No, of course not.
But on the other hand, the childish garbage about the made up wake stories (which aren't funny and are just as unnecessary) one upping people need to halt as well. That shit equally keeps putting gasoline on the fire that should just die.
Theres no traffic on the high road but theres a huge jam on the low road. Its time someone takes the high route.
Wake got so butthurt from feeling left out and attacked he reverted to low blows about dead family members. Nice. So if one of your kids gets cancer and bianca were to make fun of you is that acceptable? No. Im almost positive if something that negative happened to you she would say her condolences to you even though she hates you.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
As a member of this forum having been around most of you for 4-5 years, I have no side to this ongoing battle.
Should Wake have said that? No, of course not.
But on the other hand, the childish garbage about the made up wake stories (which aren't funny and are just as unnecessary) one upping people need to halt as well. That shit equally keeps putting gasoline on the fire that should just die.
Theres no traffic on the high road but theres a huge jam on the low road. Its time someone takes the high route.
Most bitchmade statement I've ever read. Fucking disgusting.
So if one of your kids gets cancer and bianca were to make fun of you is that acceptable? No. Im almost positive if something that negative happened to you she would say her condolences to you even though she hates you.
No I really don't believe she would do that. And I can assure you, I wouldnt ever mention my personal turmoils on here. Shit like what Travis and Satan said in the last couple weeks? Fuck that... I'lll just deal with my own shit. Most people here are not my friend, nor do they give two fucks about what issues I have going on in my life. I could count the number of people who actually care what I have to say on one hand and less then that would call me a friend.
As a member of this forum having been around most of you for 4-5 years, I have no side to this ongoing battle.
Should Wake have said that? No, of course not.
But on the other hand, the childish garbage about the made up wake stories (which aren't funny and are just as unnecessary) one upping people need to halt as well. That shit equally keeps putting gasoline on the fire that should just die.
Theres no traffic on the high road but theres a huge jam on the low road. Its time someone takes the high route.
Thank you for saying that Jag. That is exactly my position as well.
As a member of this forum having been around most of you for 4-5 years, I have no side to this ongoing battle.
Should Wake have said that? No, of course not.
But on the other hand, the childish garbage about the made up wake stories (which aren't funny and are just as unnecessary) one upping people need to halt as well. That shit equally keeps putting gasoline on the fire that should just die.
Theres no traffic on the high road but theres a huge jam on the low road. Its time someone takes the high route.
Most bitchmade statement I've ever read. Fucking disgusting.
but Bianca and Alex showed that it does bother them so thats just going to keep it going
Absolutely not cool with me.
Should Wake have said that? No, of course not.
But on the other hand, the childish garbage about the made up wake stories (which aren't funny and are just as unnecessary) one upping people need to halt as well. That shit equally keeps putting gasoline on the fire that should just die.
Theres no traffic on the high road but theres a huge jam on the low road. Its time someone takes the high route.
No I really don't believe she would do that. And I can assure you, I wouldnt ever mention my personal turmoils on here. Shit like what Travis and Satan said in the last couple weeks? Fuck that... I'lll just deal with my own shit. Most people here are not my friend, nor do they give two fucks about what issues I have going on in my life. I could count the number of people who actually care what I have to say on one hand and less then that would call me a friend.