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This is a Government Fuckery Thread



  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,950 spicy boy
    I think it’s awesome that the “Bernie Bros” that felt fucked over by the DNC for Hillary and Biden are the spearhead for Trump’s resurgence. People like Rogan and Brand were dems before that. Same for me. I absolutely hated republicans prior to a year or so ago. Now the Dems are the machine. I think it’s sad that so many people are so attached to their party that they will allow that sort of activity to continue and still toe the line. It’s pathetic really. Honestly, if the dems had let it play out and let Bernie be their candidate instead of the hacks they’ve chucked at us, they probably could’ve avoided so many people being enlightened to how bad the corporate media slants against Trump. I was in the same boat as a lot of people, thinking he was just another right wing stooge. But I always found it weird that he was constantly being called a Nazi when I knew his son in law (and political advisor) is a Jew that’s grandparents survived the holocaust. I also was aware of his positive relationship with the hip hop community. The way they lie about him is fucking crazy, but it’s even crazier that people just believe their bullshit at face value. It reminds me of WWE where someone turns heel and they just magically forget the baby face shit dude did 3 months ago. I saw a video where someone cobbled together all of Trump’s interviews with people like Oprah and Colbert and The View prior to him winning in 2016 and it’s wild how much they kissed his ass. Now they all wanna play like he’s some maniac vowed to world domination. It’s fucking stupid. For a while, I allowed my social circle to help dictate my feelings on him. It’s gotten too obvious though. He’s a threat to the things we hate. That’s why he gets slandered and libeled so much with no proper reaction. He’s got a fuck ton of money against him, with the keys to all the important avenues to make him look vain and foolish. It makes me sick to my stomach that it’s so easy for them to do what they’re doing and have people fall in line. It’s destroying my social life. I’ve had to keep my mouth shut a lot to keep peace with friends. Sometimes I feel like a coward for it. Sometimes I feel I’m just being tactful. But it’s hard to see people go on and on about how evil he is online and keep my thoughts to myself. I can’t help but think less of a lot of people I used to have respect for. And the bands out there that advertised themselves as rebels but fall lock step in with the machine now is despicable. People are so confused now by what they consider fake news that it’s made it so much easier to keep the wool over their eyes 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,835 spicy boy
    Blue no matter who 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,972 spicy boy
    When we fight we win
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    I’m voting for the 34 time felon, woman assaulting, fraud dealing, cancer kid charity stealing, pedo pagent owning, draft dodging, health care cutting, environment polluting, troop dissing, election interfering, shoe lift wearing, spray tan guy with a comb over. His multiple divorces, sexual assault cases and banging of porn stars really reflects my family values and his plan to give rich people tax cuts will eventually someday benefit my family. 

    That’s my guy, and I’ll lose friends and family over him.

    Half of MU, apparently. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    On a state and local level, I think Big Gretch has been doing a really good job as Michigan Governor. Her initial Covid response wasn’t great, but she pivoted and adapted fairly well as time went on. She’s done a great job getting funds to the road crews, you can see a big improvement in a lot of the Michigan roads, which were meme worthy once upon a time. Detroit is on the upswing.The local governments have also been given a boost with state grants that have redone parks in my town, transforming outdated tennis courts into pickleball courts, all new basketball courts, soccer field improvements, and a recently installed a walking path through town that stretches a few miles. Plus she had the free community college and the Michigan Reconnect program for people that didn't complete college to go back on a grant. I don’t know if I’ve ever witness a politician actually accomplish anything before. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,950 spicy boy
    I’m voting for the 34 time felon, woman assaulting, fraud dealing, cancer kid charity stealing, pedo pagent owning, draft dodging, health care cutting, environment polluting, troop dissing, election interfering, shoe lift wearing, spray tan guy with a comb over. His multiple divorces, sexual assault cases and banging of porn stars really reflects my family values and his plan to give rich people tax cuts will eventually someday benefit my family. 

    That’s my guy, and I’ll lose friends and family over him.

    Half of MU, apparently. 
    Lap that propaganda up
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    How do you align being on the same side as the rich elite, the religious moral majority, and the thin blue line crowd with being a rebel? 

    Also, what part of that was propaganda? All those things I listed are true. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    34 time felon - Easy Fact
    Woman assaulting - found liable in civil court
    fraud dealing, -public record
    cancer kid charity stealing - Fined 2 million, Whole Trump family can’t run a charity in New York. Stole money from kids with cancer. 
    pedo pagent owning - Miss Teen USA. Read his comments about being back stage. 
    draft dodging - bone spurs
    health care cutting - peeled back Obama Care
    environment polluting - peeled back EPA environmental regulations 
    troop dissing - called them losers and suckers 
    election interfering - Jan 6th and the list of felonies
    shoe lift wearing - visible after he got shot
    spray tan guy with a comb over. 
    His multiple divorces, - public record
    sexual assault cases - public record 
    and banging of porn stars - public record
    really reflects my family values and his plan to give rich people tax cuts - public record
    will eventually someday benefit my family. - probably propaganda 

    That’s my guy, and I’ll lose friends and family over him. - what you seem to be experiencing

    Half of MU, apparently. - hyperbole for humor

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    You posted about feeling bad for Trump and how it’s affecting your social life. I generally enjoy talking to you so I tried starting a convo by showing some examples of how these people you are having social trouble with may view the character of the person you support. I avoided the racism shit, the nazi shit, and his family, other than the stealing from kids with cancer bit. Stick to all factual shit. Your response was to yell “propaganda!” I ask about being on the same side as side as the cops and church and you post links about John Kerry and free speech online. You didn’t start with a post about free speech and John Kerry or Hillary Clinton.You ignored everything and switched topics. This is pointless. You were calling people boot lickers during Covid and now you’re on the same side as the boots. The actual boots being referenced in that expression are the on side you picked. So is the church. That’s why the bands aren’t there. Have fun with that. I don’t really have a side in this, I’ve been calling out both sides for their bullshit pretty consistently. I thought you may have actually wanted to say something here. I have no interest in playing whataboutism. Yeah, they suck too. I don’t have a politician. Why do you have a politician? That’s kinda weird. Younger you would probably be disappointed that a politician was impacting your friend group. You seem to have been wound up ever since Covid and vaccines. I hope it’s worth it for you and brings the quality of life you want if any of this political shit is affecting you socially.  
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,032 spicy boy
    Everything Jobe said is correct. Trump fucking sucks and is not for people like us. He is the definition of an out of touch elite, profiting off stupid people. 

    But Im also so fucking sick of the left. Im sick of censorship, sick of their morality policing, sick of DEI, sick of high taxes not being used for shit that actually helps us, their immigration and refugee policies are jokes, sick of Marxism 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,950 spicy boy

    I don’t feel sorry for him…at all. I feel the same way you guys do about most things. I feel like people that seek to rule over others are fucked and can’t be trusted, but we are forced to do with what is available. I’ve never brought up religious bs or thin blue line. You brought that up. I’ll never support either. And if you wanna play that game, I can point out tons of things in the left that are just as shady and deplorable. Jake said something about Trump being the party of the Gary’s, but if you go down any political affiliation, there’s a list of morons supporting them so that doesn’t matter to me. I feel like people our age have this attachment of republicans to neocon stuff that’s not what Trump is about. Trump was the republican’s protest candidate. Remember how I’m 2016 they almost divided the party and went with Mitt Romney? I’ve seen modern republicans called “South Park Libertarians” online and that seems more appropriate. Republicans aren’t the Bible thumpers of old. And you’re taking what I said about my social life wrong. My issue with people I know is that they buy in on the democrats bs and condemn the guy for a bunch of propaganda. The Dems are masking their bullshit by attacking him constantly because the things they’ve been implementing have been terrible. I’m sure there are plenty of avenues where they could legitimately attack Trump, but they don’t. They play on tabloid culture and people buy into it without question. I’m alarmed at the fact that the DNC was able to completely eschew any sort of due process in Kamala’s candidacy. She’s never been voted on. They just installed her. She has a terrible record and she’s a fucking moron. People jump on her bandwagon basically either because she’s not Trump or because she’s a woman of color. Fucking stupidity. Almost none of her appeal has anything to do with her ability to lead or her record. I understand not liking the Trump, but pointing out a bunch of shit that has nothing to do with his political prowess doesn’t sway me. I’m sure his swindling of cancer kids sucks. I’m sure he said some dumb shit about whatever happened backstage at the pageant. None of that surprises me, but it’s also relative because in that stratosphere he exists in is full of that and much worse. The 34 charges he’s been facing are nothing more than a witch hunt. His case is on appeal and will be overturned, but not til after the election so the Dems get to title him as a felon. Convenient. That strategy is mostly out in the open and even the Dems acknowledge it. Like it’s nothing. Just playing the game. It’s fucked up that we have the sort of political interference like were a fucking third world country. One of his trials played out here and they ended up finding out crazier stuff about those trying to prosecute him and the entire trial turned into a joke. And the reason I diverted earlier is because I’m at work and really don’t have time to go line by line to retort…nor should I. I’m not here to change anyone’s mind and I don’t think it’s possible anyway. People can and will feel however they want to feel. I’m more interested in positing my opinion more than anything. But the root of my support of the guy really has more to do with the alternative, which I think is dangerous. I think it’s absolutely nuts how everyone acted during the pandemic and I see how it’s been used as a primer for furthering their fascism. It’s further alarming that real issues Trump has brought up get laughed at. People are so under the DNC spell that they not only intentionally don’t take things he mentions seriously, but openly laugh about it no matter how serious. Like the thing about the pets getting eaten by Haitians in Ohio. It’s a big joke to everyone…except the people it’s happening to. That town had a population of 52,000 and has had 30,000 Haitians flood in. I’ve watched videos of them dragging geese down the street with broken necks to eat and cats hung from trees to dry out. And the crazy thing is that a lot of the people speaking out about it online are middle class black people, not the hick Trumper’s the media likes to throw shit at. Illegals have been bad here for a minute, but it’s getting critical. My kids schools are segregated now because so many kids don’t speak English. My daughter’s 5th grade class had more Spanish classes than English. I know that may be a foreign issue in the upper peninsula, but it’s a serious problem here. When I got in my wreck in June, I had to sit in a hallway for 8 hours because the emergency room was flooded with immigrants. All the areas around here that had liberal social programs set up by we’ll-intentioned people decades ago have been exploited. It starts with churches. They set up their churches and use them as anchors to bring in their friends and families. Here, it’s Jamaicans, Haitians and Hondurans. I could also go on and on about all the stupid shit that’s played out the last few years that gets blown up for all the wrong reasons. Like the January 6 thing. That wasn’t a fucking insurrection and anyone that thinks it was makes me laugh. Insurrections involve guns and dead politicians, not dorks walking single file down hallways in a building their taxes paid for to view a hearing they were illegally not allowed to attend. It’s ridiculous. It’s just another thing Shitlibs like to point at and laugh about because they’re a bunch of fucking pussies that care more about looking smart than what’s actually a real issue. Like “Oh, look at those savages. Don’t they know the rules? Pass the cheese!”. I can’t help but hate those people. This country was founded by men that got sick of being lorded over and taxed to death. When you do that now, you get villainized by liberal dopes. So thats a big chunk of what’s brought me here.


    Same. Everything you mention is basically what is freaking me out. You succinctly said it better than I did. The thought of a Kamala presidency validating that shit makes me sick to my stomach 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    edited October 2024
    Everything Jobe said is correct. Trump fucking sucks and is not for people like us. He is the definition of an out of touch elite, profiting off stupid people. 

    But Im also so fucking sick of the left. Im sick of censorship, sick of their morality policing, sick of DEI, sick of high taxes not being used for shit that actually helps us, their immigration and refugee policies are jokes, sick of Marxism 

    This I can get on board with. It’s a fairly well balanced take examining both sides, while making excuses for neither. You could also add in 8-12 years of identity politics to that list. 

    I find Satan dismissing Jan 6 as “a bunch of dorks waiting single file in a line to view a hearing” as laughable and dim witted. That wasn’t the scene in the hallway when that chick got shot and you know it. They weren’t just standing around.They were smashing through a fucking door to get to the lawmakers on the other side. Be honest about it. Make politicians afraid again, I’m here for the result even if I didn’t like the actual way it played out. Don’t down play it though. Im not denying the cranes and cats, I saw the same shit. I’m honest about it. I frequent sites from both political sides. The media is 6 fucking companies, let’s be honest about it. They fund both sides. Neither side is trying to bust up the monopolies. I’m not denying that illegal immigration is fucked right now. I’m honest about it. I don’t see the immigration issue at home but I do at work. Seems like each party would rather reeee about the other side than clean up their own fucking house. Oh he stole from cancer kids? Im sure it sucks but other people are worse though so… moving on. Wait, what? No.  The answer is fuck them too then. Don’t just glaze one side and point the finger back at the other. 30 years of working on gay marriage and roe v wade to just roll it all back and start over. 8 years of fighting over Obamacare just to strip it right back. The Supreme Court is corrupt af. Let’s be honest about it. I’m 2A af, but the current Christian moral push right now is scary. I want more education and mental health care for the people around me. Both side suck for free speech issues, let’s be honest about it. Identity politics and have clearly swung to far in an extreme direction. Trump refusing to concede the last election doesn’t really excite me to put him back in the seat. I’m really, really looking forward to the political ads to be over. I’m ready to move on to the crying or the denying, whatever comes next. 
    Post edited by Jobe_Wan_Kenobi on
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,950 spicy boy
    I had this discussion with my favorite co-worker recently. He’s a gay socialist. 26 years old. Very outspoken. He’s hilarious to me because he scares the rest of the office with his constant talk of lynching billionaires. We were talking about how it’s becoming more apparent that our govt really is just a cloak for some of the most evil shit in the world and sorta discussed if the US *should* fall. He seemed all for it, but I posited that if we do fall we may be subject to something even worse. Like control from foreign entities waiting on their revenge. I don’t think he’d thought of that. I think his line of thinking about us is becoming more prevalent among young people. They’ve been so convinced that they’re being cheated or wronged by the govt that they’re comfortable with our demise, but they assume something better is waiting. I’m pretty uncomfortable with that notion. I also don’t believe any revolution is realistic because of the comfort people would give up to necessitate it. For example: if we go into a revolution, stuff like college football wouldn’t happen. It seems stupid, but that’s a big deterrent for people. Doing the dirty work to fix large problems means eschewing our safe space. Younger generations like to demonize Boomers for taking the easy way and blame them for a lot of the problems we experience now. However, a lot of young people would literally die without the internet. The threat of being inconvenienced is enough to force most people into submission. We’ve become so removed from true civil discord that people don’t consider the repercussions of what revolution would mean. We see civil war on tv, but that’s about as close as most of us will come. That disconnect fuels a lot of our disagreements imo.

    There’s an assumption among Americans that somebody will just figure it out for us. Like climate change. I saw a girl argue that it wasn’t a big deal because we would just build large air conditioning units to cool everything off. It was incredibly cavalier, but not atypical of a lot of arguments I see online. I’m not raising my kids to be John Connor by any stretch, but I have instilled a sense of “this could all end” in them and encourage them to learn survival skills and not take the influence of society too seriously. 

    A lot of times, I feel very defeated when it comes to politics. I used to be really motivated. I was an early Antifa supporter. They came into my life shortly after I was arrested in 2013 and had a vendetta against cops. I still consider myself an Anarcho-syndicalist…optimistically. But I’m losing faith in people. The current social climate has beat me down. I used to be a huge advocate for minorities and LGBT stuff. But as the societal barriers holding back those groups have been eclipsed, you’re seeing them out their own need to dominate others. It can’t just be equal. Everyone wants you to kiss their ass. So all the illusions I used to have about stuff like socialism have been broken down. Politics has always been a bunch of bullies that impose their shit on people, but now I’m realizing that bullies come in more shades than had occurred to me. Their mechanisms are more varied. 

    You’re correct about the pandemic changing me. I was always suspicious of it. I was suspicious of the real threat it posed. I was suspicious of the vaxxs. I was suspicious of the narrative control. I wanted no part of the “new normal”. I felt like a lot of people surrendered during that time and bought in on some extreme lines of thought. I had people online tell me repeatedly that I should be locked up, institutionalized, die, etc. They said hoped my kids died to punish me. Said my kids should be taken from me. Stuff like that. Horrible things that they were emboldened to say and even think. It’s rearranged my view on the threat of fascism. They have all those studies on how the Nazi party came to power in Germany, encouraging people to do horrendous things to each other. I watched all of that play out against me during that time. The way they scared people and propagandandize them into heinous behavior and embolden them to be viscous towards their fellow man. And what continues to bother me is that…even with the increasing proof that it was all a sham and that the vaxx was never what it was advertised as and the money/capital that was shifted to an even smaller group…people are still on board. They draw strength in their fascism by being told by politicians and media that people like me are their problem. It’s got me shook in a way I’ve never felt before. 

    I always assumed that extreme population control would not be possible in the US. Mostly because I’ve always held the opinion that our military would never turn in their own brothers and sisters. I don’t feel that way anymore. Not only that, but we’re getting to the point where we have push-button tech that could corral us anyways. It wouldn’t take much for a legion of drones to be set out to control us. There’s a Black Mirror episode with a drone dog chasing dissidents and it’s pretty terrifying in its potential realism. Tech gives weak people the ability to impose themselves. We’re getting close to having corporations that have tech that rivals even our govt. In my opinion, fascism has never been more of a threat to Americans in our lifetime and the DNC are the entity that seems most likely to follow through with it. They’re even hiding it in plain sight with this assault on free speech. 

    There is a humor that I find in pushing Trump. Deep down, I know he’s a raging id. I get that. Honestly, I love to needle people with him because it’s usually funny to see them get so worked up over him. He mostly endears himself to me peripherally because the entities lined up against him are ones I despise. Sort of like “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. But in my somewhat defeated opinion of current politics, I can honestly say that he’s the lesser of the two evils. I won’t vote for him (or anyone else), because he doesn’t represent me or my ideals and I’m too ethical like that to support someone I don’t believe in. However, when it comes down to him vs Kamala, I’ll go with him 10/10.

    I think I have a complicated view of Trump because while I don’t think very highly of him as a person, there is a quality to him that I find important to the presidency. They make a joke out of it on Team America. That in the world there are dicks, pussies and assholes. The dicks still have value because even though they fuck pussies, they also fuck assholes. Trump is a complete dick. I firmly believe his assertions that the Ukraine and Israel conflicts wouldn’t have happened under his watch. My dad explained to me when I was young that even though he thought Jimmy Carter was a great man, he was a terrible president because other leaders thought he was weak and took advantage of it. Then as Reagan entered the picture, the fear of his war hawking forced them to temper their aggressions. We have a lot of mechanisms in this country to solve problems, but most politicians are too afraid of their Q rating going down to use them. Trump isn’t. He’s rich enough and egotistical enough (and old enough) that he can weather bad PR. Kamala doesn’t have that. She will obey her Twitter feed. 

    I know I bring up media a lot to make my points, but I have one more in closing. It’s the opinion of Col Jessup in A Few Good Men. At the end, when he’s justifying his treatment of the dead soldier he says 

    “ Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? …I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives.”

    This is sort of a parallel to how I feel about Trump. A necessary evil. Like a guard dog. He’s dangerous and ugly, but he serves a purpose.

    I will continue to dream about a world where we don’t need such an entity, but for now we have to play with the hand we’re dealt

    Thanks for attending my Ted Talk
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    Gotta admit, the “It would be revolution but muh college football” is a gravy seal take I’ve never heard before 😂
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    edited October 2024
    I didn’t get any time off for Covid, and if civil war breaks out I’m still gonna have to come in. We did get 3 days off, but then Trump literally made me go back to work. 

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    edited October 2024
    Meat plants were making nation headlines. The news was making daily reports on it. Then the plant donated 20 acres and $500,000 to the city. There was never another report on the news. The plant had a 30% infection rate. People died. The plant shut down, reopened 3 days later under presidential orders. We still had to come in, people kept getting sick. Not flu-like sick, but long term, months in the hospital on a ventilator.  None of that weak Covid shit. We grew that strong shit. Some coworkers still haven’t fully recovered. Wisconsin-bred big backs, shriveled down to frail old men now. A few more died. 

    Sorry if people said mean shit to you though. That also sounds tough. 
    Post edited by Jobe_Wan_Kenobi on
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,032 spicy boy
    I didn’t get any time off for Covid, and if civil war breaks out I’m still gonna have to come in. We did get 3 days off, but then Trump literally made me go back to work. 

    The shit must flow
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
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