So I'm just supposed to stop listening to MJ because of some fucked up shit he did in his personal life I don't condone and think is disgusting? Nah. I'm not gonna stop eating Subway because Jared was the same kind of fucktard either. Cosby is on a whole different level though simply because I can't watch his shit the same way anymore. But some songs and a sub don't cause me any issues or conflict with me internally because of the fucked up bs they did. MJ is dead, Jared is locked away, Cosby is just floatin around
Bring it baldy..... but put Jacko in the kennels while you're away
go fuck yourselves. Michael Jackson was a fucking pedophile plain and simple. I dont give a fuck if he could sing and dance.
Not raping children > making good music
Fuck Michael. You're blind as fuck if you really think he didn't touch boys.
that whole standup is awesome. Gonna get baked and watch it tonight
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
"how the fuck you gonna tell me that michael had sex with a white woman and had 2 blonde blue eyed babies i aint fucking stupid"