WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
1. The difference is that Cosby literally has 30+ women that are all saying the same story. There is a wealth of evidence that supports it likely did happen.
2. Im not even going to dignify this with a response.
3. no, settling out of court on some private matter that was never disclosed does not make him guilty of child molestation. There are numerous cases where people have tried to extort rich/famous people for money when there was no basis for that claim. Sometimes dragging shit like that out in court and wasting tons of money on it, is actually more expensive than paying it to go away.
Finally - Im not saying that I wont change my position if people closer to him start revealing that things were going on. All I am saying is as far as I know, there is no actual claims by anyone that he did anything to anyone. If you have actual articles where people have come forward talking about this sort of thing with MJ, I'd be interested in reading it. If what has happened to Cosby started happening to MJ I would 100% believe it too.
all I am really saying is that the two things are not the same as you are trying to make us believe.
Afaic Michael just had Peter Pan syndrome because his childhood was a wash. If he was really fucking little kids, someone like Macauley Culkin or Corey Feldman or Chris Tucker that were members of his social circle would've come out since his death to say so. It doesn't benefit any of them to carry his secrets anymore...but that hasn't happened. And to what Nola is saying: To discredit Michael's music is to more discredit the pop genius of Quincy Jones, because that's who wrote most of his classics. I'm not one of these "he's the greatest" types, but dude had some indelible hits. Afaic, he's not much different than the precious Beatles (inb4theywrotesongsargh). In a lot of ways, he was the torch bearer for entertainers like James Brown. It's actually an easy argument that Brown ended up mimicking Jackson later in his career, trying to keep up. I'm a little biased because Thriller was the first album I ever owned when I was 5, but I won't make excuses for everything after Bad. His 90s stuff was overproduced dreck. For his style of music though, there are few who compare to everything he did prior.
Fine Quincy jones sucks dick too then. The music is do overrated it's laughable . To compare it to the Beatles is laughable. I'll chalk it up to childhood bias. And the Beatles wrote their shit themselves so it's really not even comparable. Mj was a nasty dancer the end
I honestly don't think he actually raped anyone tho but unlike the bullshit wake said when someone settles out of court they are almost always hiding at least something
Afaic Michael just had Peter Pan syndrome because his childhood was a wash. If he was really fucking little kids, someone like Macauley Culkin or Corey Feldman or Chris Tucker that were members of his social circle would've come out since his death to say so. It doesn't benefit any of them to carry his secrets anymore...but that hasn't happened. And to what Nola is saying: To discredit Michael's music is to more discredit the pop genius of Quincy Jones, because that's who wrote most of his classics. I'm not one of these "he's the greatest" types, but dude had some indelible hits. Afaic, he's not much different than the precious Beatles (inb4theywrotesongsargh). In a lot of ways, he was the torch bearer for entertainers like James Brown. It's actually an easy argument that Brown ended up mimicking Jackson later in his career, trying to keep up. I'm a little biased because Thriller was the first album I ever owned when I was 5, but I won't make excuses for everything after Bad. His 90s stuff was overproduced dreck. For his style of music though, there are few who compare to everything he did prior.
I've gotta disagree on his hits. He wrote Bad, Smooth Criminal, Beat It, Billy Jean, Heal the world. These are literally some of his greatest hits and he wrote them all. The only big hit that is absent from that list is thriller.
Secondly, it was amazing how much control over his music he had. The dance moves were his. He wrote most of his own music. Did you ever see that documentary that came out after his death? I forget the name. But it really showed just how hard he worked on his music, and presentation of that music.
I was never really a huge fan of him to be honest... but after watching a few documentary's and reading about his process, I started respecting him for his work. MJ is one of the very few pop artist who was actually involved in making music as opposed to showing up and singing songs they didnt write. Not a fan, but respect what he did. It was amazing.
I just don't find his hits to be good. I think songs like bad and smooth criminal are mediocre at best. I think of songs of the Beatles that will last the test of time like long and winding road and yesterday and the comparison is a fucking joke
If I'm not mistaken I said I can't watch Cosby in the same light anymore...not that I can't watch him at all. Just like with Jared..I can still eat subway without thinking "man..he was a spokesperson for this place does this mean I'm eating the tears of the kids he abused?". I just eat the sub. But you can call me and think I'm a hypocrite all you want, not like it matters or bothers me
Ayo the talk about subway and hated earlier than kind of broke into a subway sucks anyway kind of thing...somewhat relevant, the new Kroger marketplaces that have full scale subshops and other shit are killing it. Shit is 10/10 they overload you with meat and on Tuesdays they have buy one get one free. Guy at work said his wife waited 45 minutes on a Tuesday and after trying it I see why. I was expecting random meh premade shit with a timestamp like at walmart.
I just don't find his hits to be good. I think songs like bad and smooth criminal are mediocre at best. I think of songs of the Beatles that will last the test of time like long and winding road and yesterday and the comparison is a fucking joke
You just aren't into his genre of music, that's all. The Beatles are a different genre of music altogether so I personally don't see why Satan even brought a MJ to Beatles comparison. It's like if you found someone who only likes Death Metal and he makes the comment "I think Led Zeppelin is crap music and completely overrated. Not everyone can make music as great as Death or Bolt Thrower". See that guy is like you except your tastes are more broad then my extreme analogy.
I don't fault you for not liking the genre or not liking MJ's songs. There are many genre's I hate. For example, I hate country. It's garbage and I can't bring myself to like it. That said, I'd never make a flippant comment about how Johnny Cash or Garth Brooks weren't good or that they were mediocre. that comment would have just been uneducated opinion based 100% on personal biases. I don't ever listen to Garth Brooks music because I personally don't like his music, but It's clearly obvious he was a very talented music singer/songwriter for his genre.
MJ is probably one of the greatest pop artist of all time. He did more for that genre then probably anyone else. Not only that, the dude literally did almost all of it himself. He wrote the vast majority of his songs for his solo career, he designed all his dance moves, his fashion was his own style.... In a genre that is so ripe with just copying a generic formula, MJ was literally writing that formula for people to copy. Am I a fan? No. But I gotta respect what he created.
2. Im not even going to dignify this with a response.
3. no, settling out of court on some private matter that was never disclosed does not make him guilty of child molestation. There are numerous cases where people have tried to extort rich/famous people for money when there was no basis for that claim. Sometimes dragging shit like that out in court and wasting tons of money on it, is actually more expensive than paying it to go away.
Finally - Im not saying that I wont change my position if people closer to him start revealing that things were going on. All I am saying is as far as I know, there is no actual claims by anyone that he did anything to anyone. If you have actual articles where people have come forward talking about this sort of thing with MJ, I'd be interested in reading it. If what has happened to Cosby started happening to MJ I would 100% believe it too.
all I am really saying is that the two things are not the same as you are trying to make us believe.
Secondly, it was amazing how much control over his music he had. The dance moves were his. He wrote most of his own music. Did you ever see that documentary that came out after his death? I forget the name. But it really showed just how hard he worked on his music, and presentation of that music.
I was never really a huge fan of him to be honest... but after watching a few documentary's and reading about his process, I started respecting him for his work. MJ is one of the very few pop artist who was actually involved in making music as opposed to showing up and singing songs they didnt write. Not a fan, but respect what he did. It was amazing.
I was expecting random meh premade shit with a timestamp like at walmart.
I don't fault you for not liking the genre or not liking MJ's songs. There are many genre's I hate. For example, I hate country. It's garbage and I can't bring myself to like it. That said, I'd never make a flippant comment about how Johnny Cash or Garth Brooks weren't good or that they were mediocre. that comment would have just been uneducated opinion based 100% on personal biases. I don't ever listen to Garth Brooks music because I personally don't like his music, but It's clearly obvious he was a very talented music singer/songwriter for his genre.
MJ is probably one of the greatest pop artist of all time. He did more for that genre then probably anyone else. Not only that, the dude literally did almost all of it himself. He wrote the vast majority of his songs for his solo career, he designed all his dance moves, his fashion was his own style.... In a genre that is so ripe with just copying a generic formula, MJ was literally writing that formula for people to copy. Am I a fan? No. But I gotta respect what he created.