I wasn't sure how big Kroger was so I looked it up before I posted and it says it's second only to Walmart. I know Meijer is regional and we have like 3 of those to every Kroger. But lately Kroger has started changing its game and opening bigger stores and offering more. I didn't know about the sandwiches until I read an article talking about how McDonalds new competition is one you wouldn't expect...and it's Kroger haha Shit you can order personal pizzas from them too.
I just don't find his hits to be good. I think songs like bad and smooth criminal are mediocre at best. I think of songs of the Beatles that will last the test of time like long and winding road and yesterday and the comparison is a fucking joke
You just aren't into his genre of music, that's all. The Beatles are a different genre of music altogether so I personally don't see why Satan even brought a MJ to Beatles comparison. It's like if you found someone who only likes Death Metal and he makes the comment "I think Led Zeppelin is crap music and completely overrated. Not everyone can make music as great as Death or Bolt Thrower". See that guy is like you except your tastes are more broad then my extreme analogy.
I don't fault you for not liking the genre or not liking MJ's songs. There are many genre's I hate. For example, I hate country. It's garbage and I can't bring myself to like it. That said, I'd never make a flippant comment about how Johnny Cash or Garth Brooks weren't good or that they were mediocre. that comment would have just been uneducated opinion based 100% on personal biases. I don't ever listen to Garth Brooks music because I personally don't like his music, but It's clearly obvious he was a very talented music singer/songwriter for his genre.
MJ is probably one of the greatest pop artist of all time. He did more for that genre then probably anyone else. Not only that, the dude literally did almost all of it himself. He wrote the vast majority of his songs for his solo career, he designed all his dance moves, his fashion was his own style.... In a genre that is so ripe with just copying a generic formula, MJ was literally writing that formula for people to copy. Am I a fan? No. But I gotta respect what he created.
I bring up The Beatles because I know Nola is super gay for them. Personally, I don't see much difference in terms of audience. They're both pop acts. I think people read a lot of deep shit into Beatles songs cuz they want to. I'll be interested to see what their legacy is like in a couple of generations. Time gives people a little more perspective on the importance of art. Once the Rolling Stone Magazine dinosaurs die off and all the jizzing about British Invasion is a little more muted, I doubt more than 6-8 songs will survive the test of time, at best. Similar to what happened to Sinatra. Beyond 'New York, New York', I doubt many people could name a Sinatra song. But at one point, he was like a combination of Timberlake and DiCaprio. Elvis was similar. Most of the stars of previous generations are completely washed away now. Personally, I think film scores are much more important in the continuing musical vocabulary than pop music. 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' is by far more recognizable now than any other music produced in 1939. The works of people like John Williams and Bernard Herrmann will outlast any of their pop peers. To a certain extent, Herrmann already has.
I just don't find his hits to be good. I think songs like bad and smooth criminal are mediocre at best. I think of songs of the Beatles that will last the test of time like long and winding road and yesterday and the comparison is a fucking joke
You just aren't into his genre of music, that's all. The Beatles are a different genre of music altogether so I personally don't see why Satan even brought a MJ to Beatles comparison. It's like if you found someone who only likes Death Metal and he makes the comment "I think Led Zeppelin is crap music and completely overrated. Not everyone can make music as great as Death or Bolt Thrower". See that guy is like you except your tastes are more broad then my extreme analogy.
I don't fault you for not liking the genre or not liking MJ's songs. There are many genre's I hate. For example, I hate country. It's garbage and I can't bring myself to like it. That said, I'd never make a flippant comment about how Johnny Cash or Garth Brooks weren't good or that they were mediocre. that comment would have just been uneducated opinion based 100% on personal biases. I don't ever listen to Garth Brooks music because I personally don't like his music, but It's clearly obvious he was a very talented music singer/songwriter for his genre.
MJ is probably one of the greatest pop artist of all time. He did more for that genre then probably anyone else. Not only that, the dude literally did almost all of it himself. He wrote the vast majority of his songs for his solo career, he designed all his dance moves, his fashion was his own style.... In a genre that is so ripe with just copying a generic formula, MJ was literally writing that formula for people to copy. Am I a fan? No. But I gotta respect what he created.
Why did you have to bring Bolt Thrower up? Asshole.
Cause pod have fallen into oblivion, they'd probably tame anything at this point.
I mean, it is possible but the I saw them in 2013 and they were energetic and really engaged the crowd. Really awesome sounding live. Also, tbh the new album really wasn't bad. Its not great or anything, but it has some really good materiel and some decent mellow stuff.
I like JMT, but this is such a Baizley ripoff
id fucking die of happiness then I'd have to steal dazigs jaw lol
With my hoes
Its hard out here for a pimpz
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)