Some fla labs reporting every test as positive...yea ok.
Not 1 negative
The same state that had THOUSANDS at the beaches for the past 90 days without any restrictions in restaraunts and bars? Holy shit such a surprise what a conspiracy
Tons of spike...durp durp durp... Drinki the kool aid nerd...Hope you hit a low bridge and D.O.T. checks your ELD and finds your actually over hours and breaks it off in your ass. Hope your DEF filters fuck with you also. Suck it from the side faggot.
If it’s true I never heard of it. I didn’t follow the news that close.
Found it. Didn't want to say anything until I was sure. I remembered reading something about her fucking up worse than Cuomo with nursing homes. She signed an executive order for any nursing homes that were at a less than 80% capicty to take covid patients and house then in seperate wings of said nursing home and thousands didn't meet the standard.
? Were they not before? I know it was alot harder for kids to catch the virus but was that not always a risk?
They were carrying the virus, but up until recently it was my understanding that they were not really showing symptoms. I could be wrong though.
The country as a whole just tied our peak hospitalization rate from april. Better treatment bow, but were on a worse curve as far as infection rate so lets see how this goes.
Trucker fights
Trucker fights
Trucker fights....
It's hilarious how little you can handle being talked to the way you talk to everyone else here