True story... January 2020 I was at the airport waiting for my wife to arrive home from a flight. This was before covid had really started to kick off...and mask wearing wasnt all that common...I was watching people walk out of the arrivals area and this fat chick walks off the flight with a mask on. My immediate thought you will wear a mask to avoid catching an airbourne virus from a stranger who may be sitting near you....but you wont actually do anything to help improve your own health and well being by exercising and trying to get fitter. I know I'm a cunt and that was fat shaming...I'm sorry
We have more obese people than unvaxed people so I keep asking when they are putting in the treadmills and standing desks for the fatties, but they don’t seem near as worried about that health crisis.
Think I might have COVID a second time but wit little to no symptoms. Went to this concert on Sunday and a couple days later noticed cloudy piss and was briefly running a 99 fever. But that was extremely short lived and I been feeling mostly normal, but there’s been this slight dull pain in my right rib, possibly lung, when I breathe. Can’t tell exactly what hurts but it’s that right side. It doesn’t hurt to physically press it tho which makes me think it’s the lung. But on top of that, I went for my check-up yesterday for the cancer and they did blood tests, all counts were normal and in the green, except for high neutrophils and low lymphocytes. That combination can mean cancer, but my counts on those when I actually had cancer were completely normal. But my results from January when I was almost done wit all treatment and confirmed had COVID? Exact same thing, all counts normal except for high neutrophils and low lymphocytes. And the actual numbers are almost identical. Gonna go get tested tomorrow first thing in the morning but if I do have it and this is the worst that it gets then I’m grateful cause that first time fucking killed me smh.
I've had a cold this week. Just a head cold really, nothing dramatic. Just a stuffy nose, head feels crappy and I'm tired.
I wake up today and coughed loudly cause my chest felt tight. It worked, but my GF says to me "if you are going to be like that then you need to go get tested"
I told her nah. In my head I'm thinking "covid is basically over. Hospital numbers are low. Deaths are low. Pandemic over.
Like I'm ready to go back to normal life. I don't need to be terrified every time I get a fucking cold. And yeah, the first year and a 1/2 was rocky, but I feel like we're out of the woods lol.
It's not about actually getting tested. I just don't want to live my life in that way lol. So I'm hoping she doesn't bring it back up. )
Long story short. You gotten pick your battles kids. I'm getting tested today.
Happy wife right....
Really it was just a miscommunication. I forgot we are supposed to hang out with her sister, who is a doctor, but also immunocompromised.
So, i am going to get some at home tests just to be safe. I told her i didn't want to get tested, because if i test positive i have to go on short term disability, which only pays 50% and i can't be having that over a fucking cold.
Always good to get tested. Granted I'm in Texas so we're acting like it never happened here but it's still a virus worth not spreading if you do have it. I got sick as fuck when I caught it a couple months ago.
This article details why this type of research is beneficial for science.
I wake up today and coughed loudly cause my chest felt tight. It worked, but my GF says to me "if you are going to be like that then you need to go get tested"
I told her nah. In my head I'm thinking "covid is basically over. Hospital numbers are low. Deaths are low. Pandemic over.
Like I'm ready to go back to normal life. I don't need to be terrified every time I get a fucking cold. And yeah, the first year and a 1/2 was rocky, but I feel like we're out of the woods lol.
It's not about actually getting tested. I just don't want to live my life in that way lol. So I'm hoping she doesn't bring it back up.
Happy wife right....
Really it was just a miscommunication. I forgot we are supposed to hang out with her sister, who is a doctor, but also immunocompromised.
So, i am going to get some at home tests just to be safe. I told her i didn't want to get tested, because if i test positive i have to go on short term disability, which only pays 50% and i can't be having that over a fucking cold.
One kid is inactive.
GF has it for tbe first time. Daughter is active and has it for a second time.
Still nothing for me. I am immune.
Please respond this after I die from covid.