That’s literally how it works right down to the CDC guide lines. You do not have to quarantine if you are vaxxed and have a close contact. Just wear a mask.
Only when you show symptoms.
On top of that, you just got over covid. You aren’t getting it again.
I can still bring her germs home with me though. Maybe I won't get it, but I could bring it home and get my family sick. Which I DON'T want to do. That's why I isolated in my room for 10 days instead of enjoying my family's time off together.
Been feeling some lasting effects. Heart rate has been faster, even at rest. Chest pressure. Im out of breath really quick, even just like walking down the stairs. My lung capacity isn't where it should be - affecting my singing.
I asked the doctor about it today. She said its normal to have heart, chest, and lung problems after Covid, but not to worry. But that it would take SIX MONTHS to start feeling normal again. SIX MONTHS of not being able to breathe/sing correctly is going to piss me off. Hopefully I can get this EP recorded still.
My brother is visiting, Id like to spend some time with him before he goes back to school.
I asked the doctor about it today. She said its normal to have heart, chest, and lung problems after Covid, but not to worry. But that it would take SIX MONTHS to start feeling normal again. SIX MONTHS of not being able to breathe/sing correctly is going to piss me off. Hopefully I can get this EP recorded still.