I don’t want a funny lighthearted Batman. It wouldn’t be Batman.
New trailer looked great. I jus don’t know how I feel about the new costume. That was my only gripe. TDK costume still the hardest ever. I’m sure it’ll grow on me tho.
Like what the Batman character has always been? Lol
He isnt constantly dark, edgy, hopeless, and opressive. The corelation with Batman being dark and edgy didnt start until Nolan. And I hate Nolan for it.
TAS isnt like that. The Justice League cartoon wasnt like that. The Arkham games arent like that. The new animated movies arent like that. The comics arent like that. They're still comic booky, fantastical, with quirky characters, outlandish outfits, and Batman still has occasional humor and hope that shines through.
Batman had the occasional dark story, but it wasnt the defining trait.
But he's completely wrong about Batman. I find it laughable that he claims that Nolan and Snyder probably googled "best Batman stories" and only used those as inspiration as if using a characters best written work as a resource is a bad thing lmao.
If a character's best 20 comic book arcs are dark and gritty, guess what? THAT CHARACTER WORKS BEST IN THAT SETTING.
What kind of argument is that? "Once you look past The Long Halloween, Dark Knight Returns, Killing Joke, Death In The Family, Year One, Hush, Knightfall, A Serious House On Serious Earth, and Court of Owls Batman really isn't that dark"
That and he was always a dark character up until detective comics #23. He was literally killing people with guns up until that point. They had to tone him down after cause of the whole comics is causing issues and poisoning our children bullshit
But he's completely wrong about Batman. I find it laughable that he claims that Nolan and Snyder probably googled "best Batman stories" and only used those as inspiration as if using a characters best written work as a resource is a bad thing lmao.
If a character's best 20 comic book arcs are dark and gritty, guess what? THAT CHARACTER WORKS BEST IN THAT SETTING.
What kind of argument is that? "Once you look past The Long Halloween, Dark Knight Returns, Killing Joke, Death In The Family, Year One, Hush, Knightfall, A Serious House On Serious Earth, and Court of Owls Batman really isn't that dark"
None of those stories are even that dark though. Even DKR has the goofy mutants and over the top Batman and Batmobile designs. Thats the point.
People get stuck on the "dark and gritty" aspect of Batman, but ignore the goofy comic bookiness of Batman too. Batman is a beacon of hope for Gotham, and a HERO. Not a brutal anti-hero. He isnt The Punisher. In most comics he beats basic thugs in a couple punches, he doesnt brutalize them. He also has character and emotions. Unlike how he is depicted in movies as the emotionless violent robot. He's supposed to still be FUN. Remember FUN?
Another part the movies neglect, is he's a detective. These guys are so focused on making these brutal vengeance stories, they neglect who Batman really is.
Lmao. Yes, none of those stories are dark. You can keep crying that the movies are ignoring a side of Batman but you're trying to do the exact same thing just the opposite way.
Another part the movies neglect, is he's a detective. These guys are so focused on making these brutal vengeance stories, they neglect who Batman really is.
Another part the movies neglect, is he's a detective. These guys are so focused on making these brutal vengeance stories, they neglect who Batman really is.
if you really believe this isn't going to be another pretentious overly dark, absolutely devoid of any fun or personality, "brutal" movie, then Idk what to tell you.
Lmao. Yes, none of those stories are dark. You can keep crying that the movies are ignoring a side of Batman but you're trying to do the exact same thing just the opposite way.
Yes, I get Batman stories deal with some darker subject matter. But he is still a HERO. He isn't an anti-hero. He isn't Punisher. His character is so much more than the dark "vengeance" brutal Batman film makers think he is.
Burton's Batman was dark, but it was stylized, and still comic booky. They embraced the comic aspects, and it's the best live action Batman we've had because of it.
Arkham is dark. But all the characters still wear crazy costumes, with stupid themes. Batman has more personality to him, and isn't just focused on being dark and brutal. He's calm, calculated, precise, zipping around on roof tops.
I want to see DC embrace this side more in the comics.
Their animated movies do. They've all been awesome. Assault on Arkham was very much adult, but was still fun as fuck. Batman vs Ninja Turtles was GREAT. Batman Ninja was AMAZING. Lego Batman, even though it was a parody, was also great.
Even stuff like Batman Metal. Yea it's dark. But its fucking bonkers. Its not grounded in realism. Its not brooding. Sure its violent, and dark, but it wholely embraces its comic-y-ness, and creates a heavy metal album cover story.
TAS isnt like that. The Justice League cartoon wasnt like that. The Arkham games arent like that. The new animated movies arent like that. The comics arent like that. They're still comic booky, fantastical, with quirky characters, outlandish outfits, and Batman still has occasional humor and hope that shines through.
Batman had the occasional dark story, but it wasnt the defining trait.
But he's completely wrong about Batman. I find it laughable that he claims that Nolan and Snyder probably googled "best Batman stories" and only used those as inspiration as if using a characters best written work as a resource is a bad thing lmao.
If a character's best 20 comic book arcs are dark and gritty, guess what? THAT CHARACTER WORKS BEST IN THAT SETTING.
What kind of argument is that? "Once you look past The Long Halloween, Dark Knight Returns, Killing Joke, Death In The Family, Year One, Hush, Knightfall, A Serious House On Serious Earth, and Court of Owls Batman really isn't that dark"
People get stuck on the "dark and gritty" aspect of Batman, but ignore the goofy comic bookiness of Batman too. Batman is a beacon of hope for Gotham, and a HERO. Not a brutal anti-hero. He isnt The Punisher. In most comics he beats basic thugs in a couple punches, he doesnt brutalize them. He also has character and emotions. Unlike how he is depicted in movies as the emotionless violent robot. He's supposed to still be FUN. Remember FUN?
Another part the movies neglect, is he's a detective. These guys are so focused on making these brutal vengeance stories, they neglect who Batman really is.
Burton's Batman was dark, but it was stylized, and still comic booky. They embraced the comic aspects, and it's the best live action Batman we've had because of it.
Arkham is dark. But all the characters still wear crazy costumes, with stupid themes. Batman has more personality to him, and isn't just focused on being dark and brutal. He's calm, calculated, precise, zipping around on roof tops.
I want to see DC embrace this side more in the comics.
Their animated movies do. They've all been awesome. Assault on Arkham was very much adult, but was still fun as fuck. Batman vs Ninja Turtles was GREAT. Batman Ninja was AMAZING. Lego Batman, even though it was a parody, was also great.
Angry Joe freaking out over Superman in the Suicide Squad game was funny as fuck. I agree with him though.