iv been putting some time into tracer. Man is she fun to play. You can get 3 kills in the blink of an eye. But man it can be frustrating with her health at 150 because if you make one mistake youre dead. Im getting down the blink/recall though. I'm excited to learn how to use it more.
My rule with Tracer is if you're not harassing the healers or tanks you're doing it wrong.
The first match that Tracer really "clicked" for me it was on Nepal and i would flank behind to their side of spawn and kept harassing their Mercy and Zenyatta the ENTIRE match. I doubt either of them had more than 2,000 heals for the match. At one point they were just chasing me around out of spite )
they also made it so you get less duplicates from lootboxes
The first match that Tracer really "clicked" for me it was on Nepal and i would flank behind to their side of spawn and kept harassing their Mercy and Zenyatta the ENTIRE match. I doubt either of them had more than 2,000 heals for the match. At one point they were just chasing me around out of spite
> 47-5
> 4 Gold Medals
> Play of the match
Silence the whole post game