yeah im just trying to play a little bit every day. I don't have a lot of time to play if i want to also play with my friends. But ive been trying to get on to at least do a 1/2 hour skirmish with only head shots against a team of ana's to practice.
Ok so how about using a mic to communicate and lead your team. How about playing DPS or in meta heroes to carry your team. How about working on your positioning and aim.
Nah everyone you play with is trash you're being held back from your true grandmaster rank magically somehow
And what rex is talking about isnt playing a regular round against bots. You set it to headshot only and make the other team all Anas. So its you (no teammates) vs 6 Anas. Anas cant headshot so it basically makes you invincible and you can just practice headshots for as long as you want.
I admit I cant play DPS or carry. Thats why I dont play them. Im support through and through. But Im damn good at it, and when I continuously have good positioning as tanks, and get over 2k heals a game as healers, they gotta step it up.
And i'm not even dope. I've been low plat high gold every season which is middle of the road average. Masters and GM usually average 10,000 heals a game.
Even if there were no mics, he completely ignores the advice of leading his team through comms. If he's a plat level player against a bunch of bronzes, he should be able to take over the game and win easily
then wonders why he is still silver or bronze
I can play DOOM and Quake on very hard difficulties all day, but playing online against people is another story
Nah everyone you play with is trash you're being held back from your true grandmaster rank magically somehow
You cant carry with 2 of the easiest characters in the game to carry with (Zarya and Roadhog before the nerf)
And you play healer and think that 2k heals a game is sufficient (FYI I'm averaging almost 8,000 healing a game as Lucio and Mercy)
Yet your rank has nothing to do with your play
The other has a winrate of FUCKING 21% yet is in GRANDMASTER
Its not like these chicks are getting boosted. They're losing a lot. The algorithm must be fucked
> i choose mercy
> they choose another character
> absolutely suck for a round
> "can i please play mercy?"
learn how to play other heroes you fucking bimbos ky