no...they purposely place you a couple hundred below you MMR at the start of the season so you don't get trounced at the beginning. I finished last season around 2400. Placed at 22 something and now am back over 2500.
You probably just don't play enough to improve enough to move a good amount. Its all iv been playing lately.
I solo qued all of season 4 and i went from 2200 up to 2900.
i think ive told you this before but if you solo que you pretty much have to choose a character that can carry. Soldier, Roadhog (maybe not now), Zen, Zarya.
I feel like PC is a whole other game from the way you and my other friends talk about Overwatch. They're all Diamond and Platinum this season, and Im like "how?"
im plat on xbox....or was lol. I can tell you how.
Communication and positioning. thats it really. the skill difference isnt that drastic. The issue is people refusing to counter and trickling on the point/choke the entire match. All you have to do is go into a battle grouped up. If you pick the other teams 1st dps you should win the 6v6 most times. You only need one pick to win the team battle but no one at this level plays as a team.
i watch a zen just now on defense leave the second point on a two cp to walk right into the crowd of enemies and then use his ult only on himself to escape and then die immediately after his ult was over
Basically what Rex said. On attack on 2 capture point maps you only need to kill the enemy team one time to cap the point. Low level players dont know when to push in and will often just dance around at the choke. If its 6vs6 at the choke and you get a kill or notice 2 enemies die in the killfeed yell "they're two down go go go" or "healers are dead push push"
Communication is the thing most players can improve on. Tell your team you have rez so die on point. Tell the player you want to nanoboost next fight. Tell that Zarya to save her ult for a few seconds while you fill your nanoblade meter. Even if no one else has comms. Become the de facto leader
Also positioning is key like Rex said. If youre not on the high ground you're dumb. Take Numbani for example. Sooo many dudes want to attack from right up the middle or they flank far left from spawn. If you not attacking point A from the top left area of this picture you're dumb
And every map has high ground you should be taking advantage of. Lijang Tower Control Center far right is an ideal high ground spot. Theres a large health pack right behind you and you can just step back and be out of the line of fire. Noobs like to use the far left platform but its a little too high up all you can see is people head its hard to aim.
You probably just don't play enough to improve enough to move a good amount. Its all iv been playing lately.
DAT win % doe
i think ive told you this before but if you solo que you pretty much have to choose a character that can carry. Soldier, Roadhog (maybe not now), Zen, Zarya.ðstång-1338?mode=competitive
Communication and positioning. thats it really. the skill difference isnt that drastic. The issue is people refusing to counter and trickling on the point/choke the entire match. All you have to do is go into a battle grouped up. If you pick the other teams 1st dps you should win the 6v6 most times. You only need one pick to win the team battle but no one at this level plays as a team.
Communication is the thing most players can improve on. Tell your team you have rez so die on point. Tell the player you want to nanoboost next fight. Tell that Zarya to save her ult for a few seconds while you fill your nanoblade meter. Even if no one else has comms. Become the de facto leader