I've had one pokemon pop up since the update. And I used to let my avatar run across the way and back to help hatch eggs when I can't leave the house. Which was nice, but I don't think that is going to work anymore since this pops up
Is that reeeaally necessary? Is that going to stop dumbasses from dumbassing all over the place? No. No it is not. But now it's going to be rare when I hatch a damn egg thanks to these dickwads
Huh. I don't have any of the common man's problems since I jail broke. :-? But it's sooo stupid. :-?
In other news, this mf got all 145 available Pokemon and took 3 flights to Hong Kong, Sydney, and Paris specifically to catch the 3 region exclusives. Not sure whether to applaud the dedication or feel sorry that's he's very clearly a sad virgin.
New PokeGo++ update shows all the IVs of your Pokemon! Saves me time havin to use the online calculators. That 100% Gyarados pisses me off. It's my only perfect IV Mon and his fuckin moveset is Dragon Breath (6) & Twister (25). Complete fuckin waste smh.
How I do it is I don't open up Pokemon Go for a good amount of time like 6-10 hours. Then get LocationFaker9 going tell it where I want to be then open Pokemon Go. If you're using the PokeGo++ option to stay forever i'd disable that first then reenable once you're there.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Welp I survived the ban wave. Seems they only went after bots and teleporters. Even goin to Chicago, that's fairly local and the farthest I went which is prolly why I'm safe. Not like it matters, haven't really played since I caught everything, but at least I didn't lose my progress for when the Johto ones are released.
In other news, this mf got all 145 available Pokemon and took 3 flights to Hong Kong, Sydney, and Paris specifically to catch the 3 region exclusives. Not sure whether to applaud the dedication or feel sorry that's he's very clearly a sad virgin.
Virgins >
Did a bit of traveling
I was trying to get Mr. Mime in France and London but I couldn't find him anywhere. I even got 2 10k eggs there and tried to hatch him but no luck
How I do it is I don't open up Pokemon Go for a good amount of time like 6-10 hours. Then get LocationFaker9 going tell it where I want to be then open Pokemon Go. If you're using the PokeGo++ option to stay forever i'd disable that first then reenable once you're there.