Holy shit so I jail broke my phone and this is the dopest shit ever.
Haven't caught anything major yet but did get a Dewgong which I didn't have yet. LiveFree how did you go to specific spots? I'm tryna hit downtown Chicago and so far my method is jus go south and hope I hit it since Chicago is south of me. Is that what you did for NYC?
Yeah hit that map button find the location you want and let your avatar get to it. Also in the settings of pokego++ you can change the travel speed to driving so it doesn't take as long to get there.
Also it's hilarious that you and Rex jailbroke your phone cause of Pokemon go ) But now that you guys are both jailbroken there is so much cool shit you can do to your phone now if you so choose.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Well the real reason I did it was because I wanted the lions logo. But the idea of getting banned was the motivator. But yeah there so much more you can do. I love it.
Yea so I ended up at Navy Pier and I'm rackin up right now but I manually walked there. So if I use the map button it'll walk my avatar there as if I'm actually traveling instead of teleporting? Cause if it teleports I don't wanna use it. That's the main thing gettin people banned.
Yeah with the fake location on it will just walk there. Only time I think it reports is if you turn it off you go back to your original location. I cause a almost 1200 CP vaporeon and then took this Niggas gym that had a 1500 Charizard on it on my way to work this morning.
Yep it'll walk you there. The only thing you gotta worry about as far as teleporting is if you walk a long distance like I did from NH to NY then say my game closed for a few minutes then I'm back in NH. It'll flag that because obviously no one can actually travel that fast.
So in the settings option it says "time to save location" I set that for 45 min so if my game does crash or the servers go down I have 45 minutes to try to get logged in before it teleports me home.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Same eyes, and paras's mouth is venonat's legs
> crab should turn into a moth
Haven't caught anything major yet but did get a Dewgong which I didn't have yet. LiveFree how did you go to specific spots? I'm tryna hit downtown Chicago and so far my method is jus go south and hope I hit it since Chicago is south of me. Is that what you did for NYC?
Also it's hilarious that you and Rex jailbroke your phone cause of Pokemon go
So in the settings option it says "time to save location" I set that for 45 min so if my game does crash or the servers go down I have 45 minutes to try to get logged in before it teleports me home.