Yeah. I like the concept actually. Its not something iv played before. Pokemon isnt really my thing but im gonna give it a serious shot starting tonight. Hopefully someone takes this and evolves it into a game about something im into lol.
Where I live sucks for catching things. I never got anything in my house, and around my house is usually only 1-3 lame Pokemon with an occasional cool one.
There's a fuckin Dragonair somewhere by my house but I can't find it cause no matter what direction I walk in it shows 3 paw prints and never drops to anything less.
This is where I'm at now. I evolved another Eevee and this time it evolved into Vaporeon and the CP went through the fucking roof.
which i guess would be normal but when a cool pokemon pops up we all start walking that direction
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)