Hey me and noremac exchanged addresses on the board and even posted pictures of our houses back when the place was super active. Highly irresponsible looking back but right now your only thread is a pipe bomb from Catz. Or maybe a strongly worded letter to your mom from Wake.
Jus got 53,000 XP in 30 minutes. Dropped a lucky egg and evolved 53 Pokemon. Got all 53 I had, done wit literally 30 seconds left on the timer. Went from 5K away from 20 to 1.5K away from 21. Finally got Ultra Balls. Whew.
People are actually complaining that pokestops are historical landmarks and memorials. For example, "The point of having it there is to honor those that passed & or fought for this country. Not for people to disrespect by walking wherever they please staring at thier phones. Arlington National Cemetery is a fricken pokestop do you have any idea how incredibly screwed up it is to know your Grandpas grave is being walked all over? Or how bought the Holocaust museum? There has to be a line drawn doesnt matter if you're not messing up a historical landmark or memorial its incredibly disrespectful. I dont see how you dont get that...."
So if you're playing pokemon go while visiting these places (which are public to my knowledge), you're automatically being disrespectful. If you don't want people there, wtf is the point of having places like that in the first place?
People are actually complaining that pokestops are historical landmarks and memorials. For example, "The point of having it there is to honor those that passed & or fought for this country. Not for people to disrespect by walking wherever they please staring at thier phones. Arlington National Cemetery is a fricken pokestop do you have any idea how incredibly screwed up it is to know your Grandpas grave is being walked all over? Or how bought the Holocaust museum? There has to be a line drawn doesnt matter if you're not messing up a historical landmark or memorial its incredibly disrespectful. I dont see how you dont get that...."
So if you're playing pokemon go while visiting these places (which are public to my knowledge), you're automatically being disrespectful. If you don't want people there, wtf is the point of having places like that in the first place?
This shouldn't have to be explained. Not even here.
>look for identical spot
So if you're playing pokemon go while visiting these places (which are public to my knowledge), you're automatically being disrespectful. If you don't want people there, wtf is the point of having places like that in the first place?