And it's irritating how the cell usage shit affects the frequency of Pokemon and where they spawn. I seen this chart that showed where different types of Pokemon apparently appear, and it said Grass, Rock, Ground, and Dragon types appear at golf courses. So there's one literally around the block from me so I figured fuck it I'll head over there. Literally nothin. At one point my nearby tab was completely empty, even usin a damn incense. Complete waste of an incense too. And it jus bugs me cause, obviously Pokemon ain't the most realistic thing in the world, but IF we bein realistic, if Pokemon were really in the real world, which is what this game's premise is, they'd be jus like our standard wild animals, hiding in NATURE. Forests, fields, creeks, etc. Not out in the open in the middle of major cities by skyscrapers and busy ass intersections. The game should reward you for actually exploring the nature around you instead of completely fuckin you. I literally get way more spawns, like every 30 seconds, doin rounds around the local Walmart parking lot, and zero when I'm actually by/in forests and creeks. That's ass backwards. They say this game is only at 10% of what it's sposed to be so I hope in the future they completely fix the spawn system. It runs off the exact same system as their Ingress game which is where they fucked up.
10km egg jus hatched....Electabuzz. :-| Literally 1 of the only 3 outta 17 from that tier that I didn't want cause I already have one. At least it's strong (1104 CP) but it jus pisses me off cause the 10kms are so rare. Bout to be level 20 and that was only my 2nd one. And every Pokemon in that tier except for Eevee are nowhere to be seen in the wild anywhere around me so those might be my only chance to catch em. Pretty much acceptin the fact I'm never gettin a Dragonite. Takes a full 150 Dratini candies to go from Dratini to Dragonite. Meaning if my only chance to catch Dratini is from 10k eggs, I've only had 2 after weeks of playing, and wit 17 possible hatches, literally at least 50-60 10k eggs would have to be hatched before enough Dratinis came from em to have enough candy. Not happening.
So Im'ma be at Lollapalooza for all 4 days startin on Thursday. Jus checked the area on Pokevision and there's fuckin Dratinis over there and it's loaded wit Magikarps. Havin 4 days to work wit I jus might have a Gyarados after this weekend.
You should get a portable charger if you don't already have one. I'm sure it'll come in handy there
Yup already got one last week. Not even specifically for Pokemon but I went the whole weekend last year as well and sittin at the charging station away from all the stages for an hour was bullshit and I learned my lesson so I'm ready this time around. Got a heavy duty one that does 7 full charges before it needs to be charged again so I'll have juice all day no problem.
The dope thing is the schedule was released for all 4 days and there's a lotta 1-2 hour periods throughout the weekend, like last year, between artists that I wanna see, so at least I got somethin to do this time around instead of standin around or watchin someone I don't give a shit about to pass time. Plus time flies playin this shit.
So I found another Easter egg. Think it's a reference to Missingno. If you on iPhone, look at an egg you have (NOT in an incubator, doesn't work that way.), and double tap the home button to go to the app manager and this happens. Does it every time too so it wasn't a random glitch.
There is an article on it
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
The dope thing is the schedule was released for all 4 days and there's a lotta 1-2 hour periods throughout the weekend, like last year, between artists that I wanna see, so at least I got somethin to do this time around instead of standin around or watchin someone I don't give a shit about to pass time. Plus time flies playin this shit.
Here's my hood side by side wit Grant Park (Where Lolla's at.) on Pokevision.
EpisodeElevator said: