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fuck the police



  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,644 moneytalker
    That typo tho...
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    slap said:
    people all over the country share their stories of how racism affects of their lives all the time. not the media, but real people posting to Facebook and twitter, etc. racism is still a very prominent issue, but you're gonna dismiss because you're fortunate enough to live in an area where it's not as evident. you really disappointment me sometimes bro. you're so vocal about so many things that you mainly only hear about on the internet, but don't take real issues like racism and sexism seriously because you can't relate. smh
    I was way behind in this thread but reading this made me think of something. 

    I will fully admit i was partially like this until i left central FL. I think of it like this; It's understandable to me now, why some people are this way. Living like 4/5ths of my life in a small town that's like 80% old white people, there's never really any major crime that every happened that made me distrust, hate and or loathe the police. Every case there ever was always seemed justified, that they truly were just doing this jobs, because nothing ever really happened. But since I left FL, and have now spent the last couple years in Baltimore, Boston/Worcester, and all over Tennessee, it's 100% become more evident to me just how truly fucked up the police and judicial system really are. Sure, there are *some* "good" cops out there, but not only are they greatly outnumbered by the assholes, the fact that they chose the profession given the current state of things, to me is the equivalent of looking the other way. They don't physically do shitty things, but they say nothing when the guy next to them kills an innocent kid. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy
    You're stupid. I forgot the internet was a thing. I grew up in the middle of fucking nowhere and ACAB. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    You're also the type to believe random conspiracy theories, and anything you're told growing up before you experience it for yourself. I never said i trusted them/was perfectly okay with everything going on, but i never personally experienced shit in the middle of FL where i grew up because nothing ever fucking happened. You can't truly believe anything until you've experienced and questioned it. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy

    >Random conspiracy theories 
    >Mostly true

    You realize who you're talking to right? I've dealt with more cops than you have chicks at a train station. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy
    When I get arrested for fucking criminal mischief for burning a wooden chair and having the judge tell me to expect a bill from tbw apartment complex that never came, yes fuck cops and snitches. At the same time a fucking cop is spending by 15 miles when I have no seat belt on driving through the country at any time a deer could pop out. Literal conversation;

    "I hope you crash and I die and you don't so you have to explain it to my parents."

    "If you don't be quiet I'm going to get you for public intoxication as well."

    Fuck you dude. Don't even talk to me. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy
    Gary, face faggot, anyone else that's fucking sleepimg don't even bother talking to me. You might as well be fucking dragging us down. You're what's wrong with fucking America. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    edited April 2017
    LOOT said:

    >Random conspiracy theories 
    >Mostly true

    You realize who you're talking to right? I've dealt with more cops than you have chicks at a train station. 
    So, 2?

    But seriously, I never once made a claim saying i had more personal experience with police brutality/misuse of authority in general. 

    LOOT said:
    When I get arrested for fucking criminal mischief for burning a wooden chair and having the judge tell me to expect a bill from tbw apartment complex that never came, yes fuck cops and snitches. At the same time a fucking cop is spending by 15 miles when I have no seat belt on driving through the country at any time a deer could pop out. Literal conversation;

    "I hope you crash and I die and you don't so you have to explain it to my parents."

    "If you don't be quiet I'm going to get you for public intoxication as well."

    Fuck you dude. Don't even talk to me. 
    And you were actually surprised at that? Lol. Seriously dude, be logical here for a second. No matter who you are, you tell a cop to his face you hope that he dies, you're gonna have a bad time. And for the record before you assume shit, that's not me saying he should've pulled you over in the first place. But you can't genuinely tell me you expected anything different in that situation. 

    LOOT said:
    Gary, face faggot, anyone else that's fucking sleepimg don't even bother talking to me. You might as well be fucking dragging us down. You're what's wrong with fucking America. 
    Lol, so what exactly are you doing? I actually go out to rallies. I actually challenge the opposing views with people without getting heating over the stupid little shit, and resorting myself down to their level. I've booked concerts and donated essentially all of my profits to organizations for equal rights, civil rights, and planned parenthood. I continue to indulged myself, and to intellect myself in the everything that is going on in the world, not just our country. I have a wider grasp on reality, in terms of just how fucked up this world is than you do.  

    You want to know what's really wrong with America? It's not entirely the bullshit steaming from politicians on either side, it's that's the majority of this country chooses to bitch about it on social media, and goddamn online forums, trying to talk themselves up, instead of actually fucking doing something about it. You can talk the talk all you want, but until you fucking do something about it, your opinion is fucking irrelevant. 

    The saddest thing is that you can't even have a serious and logical discussion about any of it, you just resort to petty name calling because you have the maturity level of a middle schooler. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy
    Way tldr. I didn't get pulled over I burned a wood chair he said that to me while I was handcuffed in his car. Idc what you have to say dude stay sleeping and stay follow sheep. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    You are such a hypocrite and a coward lol
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy
    Lol I just read about irrelevant opinions. Keep going to protests to keep the country divided. You realize it's not the fucking politicians that keeps us divided from everyone it's ourselves. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    LOOT said:
    You realize it's not the fucking politicians that keeps us divided from everyone it's ourselves. 
    ... said:

    You want to know what's really wrong with America? It's not entirely the bullshit steaming from politicians on either side, it's that's the majority of this country chooses to bitch about it on social media, and goddamn online forums, trying to talk themselves up, instead of actually fucking doing something about it. 



  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy
    And you don't even realize both sides protest bullshit because government pushes it. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy
    ... said:
    You're also the type to believe random conspiracy theories, and anything you're told growing up before you experience it for yourself. I never said i trusted them/was perfectly okay with everything going on, but i never personally experienced shit in the middle of FL 

    Do you even know what you post 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy
    ... said:
    You are such a hypocrite and a coward lol

    Lol you shut supported the police state and are against the first amendment for me saying I hope he dies because that's exactly the way he was treating me. 

  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    There's a difference between protesting and rioting, but regardless. I've gone to different rallies (Such as when Trump came to nashville about a month back) with the total understanding that in the grand scheme of things, my opinion on what i was seeing means literal shit. I don't do it to look good (obviously), to talk myself up or any of that dumb shit, I do it to see it for myself. At the very least, I can say that I made the attempt to at least go and understand what was going on. Which is more than i could say if i had just stayed home and watched tv, or complained on a music forum. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    LOOT said:
    ... said:
    You are such a hypocrite and a coward lol

    Lol you shut supported the police state and are against the first amendment for me saying I hope he dies because that's exactly the way he was treating me. 

    Point out exactly where i said i was against your first amendment right to say what you did. You have every right to say whatever the fuck you want, but that right doesn't protect you from it. Albeit, sometimes the consequences are unjustified. I've never supported the police state, you're just taking what i said out of context to make yourself seem superior to me. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy

    You want to know what's really wrong with America? It's not entirely the bullshit steaming from politicians on either side, it's that's the majority of this country chooses to bitch about it on social media, and goddamn online forums, trying to talk themselves up, instead of actually fucking doing something about it. You can talk the talk all you want, but until you fucking do something about it, your opinion is fucking irrelevant. 

    You know what's really wrong with America? Sleeping people like you.
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    So instead of proving me wrong and addressing what i said, you backtrack to something that you've already established. Fantastic. 

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,793 spicy boy
    ... said:
    LOOT said:
    ... said:
    You are such a hypocrite and a coward lol

    Lol you shut supported the police state and are against the first amendment for me saying I hope he dies because that's exactly the way he was treating me. 

    Point out exactly where i said i was against your first amendment right to say what you did. You have every right to say whatever the fuck you want, but that right doesn't protect you from it. Albeit, sometimes the consequences are unjustified. I've never supported the police state, you're just taking what i said out of context to make yourself seem superior to me. 

    Freedom of speech. Forgot I could tell whoever the fuck, whatever the fuck, at any fucking time I wanted to. 
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