No dude stop believing white lies. I have no more patience for the kind of attitude. You believe what they teach you in schools too much. There hasn't been a single moment in US history where black people were treated as equals to the white man. You need to pry open your third eye cuz the two you have open aren't working right
Not all white people are the devil but who wrote all the laws that keep people of color down? Who colonized half of the damn planet? And who writes the history books to make the acts of these terrible men seem heroic and overlook the fact that our founding fathers were slave owners among so, so much else? The people who run the corrupt government? Are they doing it because they're white? No, they do it because they want power. But you can't ignore they use racism as a tactic to stay in power and at this moment in time racism has largely benefited white people. I want everybody to be equal but for that to happen white people need to realize how the system benefits them and what they need to do to to spread the equality so many white people claim to fight for. I'm not "kill whitey" but I'm tired of all the excuses people make whenever a cop kills a black man. Just shut the fuck up and realize that this affects communities of color and improvised communities (which are often of color) disproportionately and start acting to change it.
Yeah were not that far removed from black people having to use a different drinking fountain. Race is def a major issue with cops. Especially in urban areas. Listen to the mike wood joe rogan podcast dude.
This has left me wit a sick feeling in my stomach all fuckin day. I'm so fuckin tired of this. This time feels different too. Jus seein all the reactions on FB, all the mfs that usually defend pigs don't got shit to say. It's reaching a tipping point and shit is bout to go down.
I don't think its a race thing so much as class. I've had a lot of discussions with my black friends this week about this. I think the media sways it to be about race so the poor white people that also get marginalized won't act out with their black neighbors. In my experience though, police treat people the worst when they know they're poor and can't do anything about it. Race doesn't matter quite as much. You don't see them beating and killing rich black dudes, like rap stars or sports heroes, just the poor ones. Killing poor blacks is clickbait right now. Stories about police killing whites get ignored or sarcasm. It's working, too. People are still remaining divided. A lot of militant black people on shit like Facebook maintain nothing bad happens to anyone but them. My thing is: Never mind the white people that get shit on too, just ask your Muslim and Latino friends how they feel about Police. Nothing will ever happen to fix the problem because so many people are just looking for everyone to pity them above all others.
Yea, its totally rationally to jump to the "all white people are the devil" narrative. "White lies". Kill yourself.
Yes im fucking irate
Just about everything in that video he talks about is disgusting.
Only like 122 of the 500+ people killed by cops in 2016 have been black.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Yeah this shit was planned ahead. 2 snipers still at large.