You can't place all this hypothetical value on a relationship that doesn't exist. You don't have shit to devalue yet. The only value a relationship has is what you build with a person.
Why is it so terrible for there to be a learning curve?
To be fair tho girls are little shits these days lol girls my age wanna settle down so I go after the youngins and there so immature these days and have no fucking clue how to build a real relationship.. It does get old..
Lol'ing now at MC's conclusion that my experience/situation was equal to his. The main difference is that he gave up way to fucking easily and tried to act like the whole thing was our generation's fault, or some bullshit. I never really gave up on it, despite a lot of unnecessary bullshit, and because of that I got a date for Sunday.
I just dont see the value in it for me. On top of everything I said about relationships not really having philosophical/symbolic meaning/value, I dont want a typical modern relationship. So my romantic relationships are gonna end up looking like just friendships. So why not just be friends? Plus Im far too picky, and girls dont like me anyways. So its a stressor eliminated.
and FF, it is our generations fault. Dating has become selfish, and sex driven. The focus has shifted to the things I dislike about romancing relationships. There is a fucking problem in our dating (hookup) culture.
If you really want to get technical, it would make it the previous generation's fault.
No its this generations fault. The use of technology, our shortening attention spans, the selfishness. These are all traits our our generation. We're the "selfie generation", the "me generation" (terms coined by social researchers). Sex permeates our society. Referring to that Russell Brand video, its almost harder to ignore porn than it is to find it now. We don't care about our interactions with other people nearly as much as generations before us. and it shows in our dating. Like I said, dating isn't about getting to know the other person anymore, but about learning what to say to get in their pants. If you're not fucking by the third "date" then something is wrong. But how can you really get to know somebody in three dates? It takes years. But as long as we're physically feeling good, then it doesn't matter how scarred our mental/emotional/psychological health is becoming.
If you really want to get technical, it would make it the previous generation's fault.
No its this generations fault. The use of technology, our shortening attention spans, the selfishness. These are all traits our our generation. We're the "selfie generation", the "me generation" (terms coined by social researchers). Sex permeates our society. Referring to that Russell Brand video, its almost harder to ignore porn than it is to find it now. We don't care about our interactions with other people nearly as much as generations before us. and it shows in our dating. Like I said, dating isn't about getting to know the other person anymore, but about learning what to say to get in their pants. If you're not fucking by the third "date" then something is wrong. But how can you really get to know somebody in three dates? It takes years. But as long as we're physically feeling good, then it doesn't matter how scarred our mental/emotional/psychological health is becoming.
You keep saying "we" implying we're all in the same little box. Well get the fuck over it because we're not.
Yes, a lot of people (especially our age) these days are fucking idiots and completely ignorant when it comes to dating/relationships. But for the people who aren't in that boat, just have to look for others who are as well. I would think it would make it all the more special if/when that does happen.
If you really want to get technical, it would make it the previous generation's fault.
No its this generations fault. The use of technology, our shortening attention spans, the selfishness. These are all traits our our generation. We're the "selfie generation", the "me generation" (terms coined by social researchers). Sex permeates our society. Referring to that Russell Brand video, its almost harder to ignore porn than it is to find it now. We don't care about our interactions with other people nearly as much as generations before us. and it shows in our dating. Like I said, dating isn't about getting to know the other person anymore, but about learning what to say to get in their pants. If you're not fucking by the third "date" then something is wrong. But how can you really get to know somebody in three dates? It takes years. But as long as we're physically feeling good, then it doesn't matter how scarred our mental/emotional/psychological health is becoming.
You keep saying "we" implying we're all in the same little box. Well get the fuck over it because we're not.
Yes, a lot of people (especially our age) these days are fucking idiots and completely ignorant when it comes to dating/relationships. But for the people who aren't in that boat, just have to look for others who are as well. I would think it would make it all the more special if/when that does happen.
I say "we" as in our generation. The majority of people think like I described. There are a lot of case studies about it.
Sure there are exceptions - THERE ARE ALWAYS FUCKING EXCEPTIONS. But that's not the point. The point is that we have a societal/generational issue affecting the majority of people our age, and its making things hard for the exceptions. So much so that many of us are giving up on sex and dating (its not just me).
The way I look at it is, I don't fucking care about what someone else thinks or views certain things, because I'm not like them. I just focus on doing me. And as hard as it is to believe sometimes, there are other people around like me in some ways. It may be a very, very small number, but that makes it more special imo.
Well the kind of girl I would look for doesn't exist.
How do you know?
Find me a girl who likes heavy metal, video games, anime, bad movies, corny humor, etc Who also isn't very interested in sex, would have no problem having a sexless relationship (any by extent no physical relationship IE - no kissing, holding hands, cuddling, hugging, etc), and no problem not having sex with other dudes. Who is also a virgin. Who is also intelligent and educated Who will be a friend for a few years first, slowly working their way into a romantic interest and who likes fat hairy dudes
How can you want for some to (eventually) work their way into a romantic interest with you, when you won't even care to kiss/hold hands/hug them? It's one thing if you prefer to not have sex with someone you're with (or at least, not till marriage if you both want kids), if she feels the same then that's fine, but those other things are naturally a part of a relationship.
You can't place all this hypothetical value on a relationship that doesn't exist. You don't have shit to devalue yet. The only value a relationship has is what you build with a person.
Why is it so terrible for there to be a learning curve?
Thats why I gave up.
Yes, a lot of people (especially our age) these days are fucking idiots and completely ignorant when it comes to dating/relationships. But for the people who aren't in that boat, just have to look for others who are as well. I would think it would make it all the more special if/when that does happen.
Sure there are exceptions - THERE ARE ALWAYS FUCKING EXCEPTIONS. But that's not the point. The point is that we have a societal/generational issue affecting the majority of people our age, and its making things hard for the exceptions. So much so that many of us are giving up on sex and dating (its not just me).
Who also isn't very interested in sex, would have no problem having a sexless relationship (any by extent no physical relationship IE - no kissing, holding hands, cuddling, hugging, etc), and no problem not having sex with other dudes.
Who is also a virgin.
Who is also intelligent and educated
Who will be a friend for a few years first, slowly working their way into a romantic interest
and who likes fat hairy dudes
then we'll talk