Nerdy chick says "not trying to be your call of booty modern whorefare". So I sent "not looking for a call of booty, but I am looking for my player 2. Hopefully I wont have to go to another castle"
The others didnt say much about themselves, so Im just sending random ass shit like "You've been tasked with disarming a bomb. Do you cut the red wire or the yellow wire?" And shit like that. Fuck it.
Both of those werent bad actually. Player 2 one was much better than I thought you could do. Good job.
MC - this is a long process if you want to find a quality girl. Don’t give up. An unmatch like that isn’t a bad thing, just apart of the process. After my divorce I literally spent 2 years on this process before I actually found a quality girl that met my standards. And honestly I was at the “fuck it” stage when I stumbled upon my gf. Actually truthfully I was going to take a 8 month break for personal reasons, she was going to be my last date, I thought her profile was shit, and I thought there was no way her and I would hit it off. I went on the date because why not... and she ended up being more than I expected. So like we’ve said all along- patience, it’s a numbers game, keep at it
my current GF...i tried to cancelled the first date. Then on the second date she friend zoned me lmao.Now she cant resist the D.
Point is man. Dating isnt always easy. Things arent always going to go according to your plan. Take it from me...anything is possible my dude. Just don't get down on yourself and keep trying.
my current GF...i tried to cancelled the first date. Then on the second date she friend zoned me lmao.Now she cant resist the D.
Point is man. Dating isnt always easy. Things arent always going to go according to your plan. Take it from me...anything is possible my dude. Just don't get down on yourself and keep trying.
pix dude or lies of hell
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Yeah MC I feel like you're putting way too much focus on each individual girl and taking the rejections personally when you gotta realize that this takes more time than you had anticipated. You're not alone though, it's just how online dating is for most everyone.
Iyeah im actually with wake on this one. That probably would have worked.
Yeah I like how Dimes “I’m not a ladies man but that wouldn’t work”. O’really? Perhaps he would be a ladies man if he took that advice )))) #StaySingleDime
im not saying MC would have closed the deal, but my intro would have got a call back. Foot in the door.
Yeah MC I feel like you're putting way too much focus on each individual girl and taking the rejections personally when you gotta realize that this takes more time than you had anticipated. You're not alone though, it's just how online dating is for most everyone.
I just want a response. Even a "Im not interested". Aknowledge I exist.
Lol they receive too many messages to respond "I'm not interested" dude. Plus guys often get defensive and message them back asking why or calling them bitches or whatever, so I don't really blame women on there for saying nothing if they don't wanna talk.
No shit Sherlock. I’m not saying I won’t have a stupid moment and get married again, but right now when I’m thinking clearly I don’t want to do that ever again. My gf absolutely wants me to propose, dropping mad hints about it.... I play dumb cause that ain’t happening. Fuck getting married
> opens MU forum > sees 126 new posts in thread > gets excited thinking MC got a date > scroll scroll scroll > nup > closes thread > goes back to Hawaiian vacation
Yeah MC I feel like you're putting way too much focus on each individual girl and taking the rejections personally when you gotta realize that this takes more time than you had anticipated. You're not alone though, it's just how online dating is for most everyone.
I just want a response. Even a "Im not interested". Aknowledge I exist.
Yeah that’s literally the worst part of online dating IMHO, but honestly most girls prefer not saying anything over “I’m not interested now”. That’s a level of honesty that most people just don’t have. There were several times where I had such a funny opening, all I wanted was them to say “that was funny. Good job. Not interested though”. The no response in times like that were so frustrating because she had like one of my best openings ever. Made my joke/intro go to waste. That’s just how it goes though... don’t take it personal
instead recognize that your 4 matches yesterday were 4 girls who’s fist impression of yeah was “hmmm maybe I’d fuck him”
MC - this is a long process if you want to find a quality girl. Don’t give up. An unmatch like that isn’t a bad thing, just apart of the process. After my divorce I literally spent 2 years on this process before I actually found a quality girl that met my standards. And honestly I was at the “fuck it” stage when I stumbled upon my gf. Actually truthfully I was going to take a 8 month break for personal reasons, she was going to be my last date, I thought her profile was shit, and I thought there was no way her and I would hit it off. I went on the date because why not... and she ended up being more than I expected. So like we’ve said all along- patience, it’s a numbers game, keep at it
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Found the same Tinder weeb I sent that to on OkCupid though
my current GF...i tried to cancelled the first date. Then on the second date she friend zoned me lmao.Now she cant resist the D.
Point is man. Dating isnt always easy. Things arent always going to go according to your plan. Take it from me...anything is possible my dude. Just don't get down on yourself and keep trying.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
> sees 126 new posts in thread
> gets excited thinking MC got a date
> scroll scroll scroll
> nup
> closes thread
> goes back to Hawaiian vacation
Yeah that’s literally the worst part of online dating IMHO, but honestly most girls prefer not saying anything over “I’m not interested now”. That’s a level of honesty that most people just don’t have. There were several times where I had such a funny opening, all I wanted was them to say “that was funny. Good job. Not interested though”. The no response in times like that were so frustrating because she had like one of my best openings ever. Made my joke/intro go to waste. That’s just how it goes though... don’t take it personal
instead recognize that your 4 matches yesterday were 4 girls who’s fist impression of yeah was “hmmm maybe I’d fuck him”