Kind of proud of myself. Just got home from the bar with a phone number from a chick for the first time in years. Me and my buddies were hanging out playing pool and she walked over and asked some dumb question about not being able to rack em up. I showed her and she just kind of hung around watching us shoot pool. After we finished, she challenged me and my buddy to game. We played and we were kind of talking and whatnot. My friends were pushing me to ask for her number and after a bit I finally overcome my anxiety and did. The night literally ended with me getting her number and the two of us dancing around like fucking fools to a song she picked out on the jukebox lol I've never danced before in my life ) I felt like an idiot but I was happy. I know it's a small basic step but I was never able to overcome my bullshit and anxiety and just step up and do this. So honest question because I haven't been on a date in a looooooooong time. Should I wait before calling or texting? I mean I already texted her so she could save my number like she asked but should I wait before I set something up and take her out? @SATAN@dranyam@Jobe@NEWGOD
I'm not one of those "wait 2 days" kinda dudes. Everybody gets personal anxiety. If she's into you, she's gonna get just as anxious as you would waiting around to hear from you. You've got a lot of weekend left, strike while the iron is hot. Just don't be too thirsty about it. Don't freak yourself out about it, don't get too worked up in your head about it. I'd wait till the afternoon and then shoot her a text.
Congrats on putting yourself out there. It's not so scary.
Yeah I tend to move as fast as possible before some other dick pushes his way in the door. If she gave you her number, she's already indicated she's interested. I'd call her this afternoon and see what she's doing tonight.
Yeah if I get someone's number At the bar I usually text them the next day. That way you find out if you were a Almost a drunken regret or if there is potential.
So this thread is a therapy session for one really fucked up group on the internet. I almost feel like I should read the rest of the thread.
Tbh this place is fairly useful because most of the people here shoot you straight whereas your irl friends will sugarcoat things and tell you what you wanna hear
Calling is better than texting. Everyone texts these days. No one usually calls.
True but if you text back and forth you can make a chick get it in her head that she likes you without much effort. Just can't stick around to it. No one wants a pen pal.
I'm not one of those "wait 2 days" kinda dudes. Everybody gets personal anxiety. If she's into you, she's gonna get just as anxious as you would waiting around to hear from you. You've got a lot of weekend left, strike while the iron is hot. Just don't be too thirsty about it. Don't freak yourself out about it, don't get too worked up in your head about it. I'd wait till the afternoon and then shoot her a text.
Congrats on putting yourself out there. It's not so scary.
Thank you! And yeah I realized I was being a bitch about asking women out. Worst she can do is say no after all. But it really wasn't bad. I was just clicking with a random stranger and it was just working and we talked more, found out we had some common interests, etc. I was like fuck it, I'm just going to ask. I was more anxious about dancing in front of a bunch of people than I was to ask for her number ) but I was having a good time last night and just rolled with it so w/e. Think I'll give her a call on my break and try to set something up for after work.
Hey MCs advice is helpful too It makes you realise take his advice whatsoever and to have faith in yourself and push forward and see what progress you can make Pursuing the pussy is exciting and gets the heart beating
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Did you insult Trump? Gary gets mad when you do that.
Congrats on putting yourself out there. It's not so scary.
It makes you realise take his advice whatsoever and to have faith in yourself and push forward and see what progress you can make
Pursuing the pussy is exciting and gets the heart beating