Going for sushi after work and grabbing some coffee after that. Should I pay? Lol. I called her as well instead of texting and she said she liked over if I had texted her so thanks for that tip. She also said she really wants to go dancing next week. Fuck me. Drunk in a bar is one thing, but actually go dancing. Ehh. Ima ask her if I go dancing will she put out and that's what's going to determine that.
So it turns out I have off for Halloween, so Im trying to make some plans. And Im talking to my friend, who has a thing for the foreign chick, and was like, "we just spent all this money on Fright Fest. Lets just chill all us guys at my place or your place, have some beers, watch some scary movies, and play some scary games."
And he's like "well I wanted to invite the girl for Halloween". So I'm like "fuck it invite her to my place, I dont give a shit". And he's like "no, I dont want her first Halloween to be lame. Lets find a party to go to".
So Im like "none of us have friends who are gonna throw ragers. Wtf kinda party would we go to? Let alone be invited to?" And hes like "nah like a public party downtown". Im like "that shit costs money. And you probably wont even pull the trigger on the girl anyways".
Hes like "I have plenty of time". Im like "you have a month and a half before she goes back to Europe. Its now or never". And he just gave me "I have time".
Which means he wants to spend more money on her. He doesnt have a confirmation shes in. And shes probably gonna bail last minute again, like today. On top of that, he is too afraid to make a move, and I find out he wont invite her over to our houses because he "thinks the suburbs is too far away for her to travel from the city, and doesnt want her to have to do that".
On top of that, he was sorta trying to text/Snap her while we were at Fright Fest, and she told him she was going to bed at 11:00. No college kid goes to sleep at 11:00 on a Saturday. Not to mention her excuse for not coming today was that she had homework to do.
So I tried to tell him he was "McFucked", and he told me he didnt care and didnt want to hear it. I tried.
My managers were talking about how long they were in their relationships. One was like "three years", the other was like "five". Im like "Ive been single for four".
The girl manager looked sad. The guy manager was like "dude fuck having a girlfriend"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
There is a goth halloween dance next weekend I know of too.
And he's like "well I wanted to invite the girl for Halloween". So I'm like "fuck it invite her to my place, I dont give a shit". And he's like "no, I dont want her first Halloween to be lame. Lets find a party to go to".
So Im like "none of us have friends who are gonna throw ragers. Wtf kinda party would we go to? Let alone be invited to?" And hes like "nah like a public party downtown". Im like "that shit costs money. And you probably wont even pull the trigger on the girl anyways".
Hes like "I have plenty of time". Im like "you have a month and a half before she goes back to Europe. Its now or never". And he just gave me "I have time".
Which means he wants to spend more money on her. He doesnt have a confirmation shes in. And shes probably gonna bail last minute again, like today. On top of that, he is too afraid to make a move, and I find out he wont invite her over to our houses because he "thinks the suburbs is too far away for her to travel from the city, and doesnt want her to have to do that".
On top of that, he was sorta trying to text/Snap her while we were at Fright Fest, and she told him she was going to bed at 11:00. No college kid goes to sleep at 11:00 on a Saturday. Not to mention her excuse for not coming today was that she had homework to do.
So I tried to tell him he was "McFucked", and he told me he didnt care and didnt want to hear it. I tried.
Beers and movies it is \m/
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
The girl manager looked sad. The guy manager was like "dude fuck having a girlfriend"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)