It all seemed to out of character for her. Guess I know her less than I think.
I def got all dark and sullen towards the end of our hangout. She made a comment like "stop being so serious", but couldnt get that I was pissed off at these revelations and conversations revolving around her promiscuous behavior.
Sorry your in a rough spot right now dude. We can skip the told you so (for now lol) Perhaps a good time to write some I Lifted You Up You Tore Me Down Die Bitch Die music?
And she says "thats because you've been friendzoned before"
Yea. By you, you stupid cunt.
I def got all dark and sullen towards the end of our hangout. She made a comment like "stop being so serious", but couldnt get that I was pissed off at these revelations and conversations revolving around her promiscuous behavior.
Can we puh-leeeeze step away from this chick now?
Im going to cancel wednesday. Sorry Jay
Im still surprised. She never came off that way before today, and is always anti-slut.
Lyrics for the track:
The soul is barren as deserts
No heart bears fruit viable for consumption
The land is broken
Damaged by our greed and self-serving ambition
The heart is barren
Unfit to produce an offspring
We are all dying
Searching for something to enlighten
We are all dying
Searching for something never written
And so we suffer
Wandering the barren wasteland we created by our own ambitions
We’ve bled the land dry of all meaning
Our hearts are withered searching for a perfection that never existed