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Adrian Peterson



  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited September 2014
    Banned for life if he hit the kid with a switch
    I honestly don't give a shit about this case nor do I give a fuck about AP. If he was a Seahawk, then I'd care....

    However I will say that I don't believe hitting children is an acceptable form of punishment and that I believe it actually has the exact opposite effect than what was intended. First I want to separate out age demographics into this conversation, because there is a distinct difference between a child being developed enough mentally to understand these consequences. So for the sake of argument, I think kids below say ~6 are in a different category than kids that are 7 and up. Children below 6 do not purposely try and do bad things. They are not thinking "I am going to steal/lie/hit/etc", but they literally don't know any better and it is your job as a parent to teach them these things. Lets take a common example of two kids are playing and one takes anthers toy, and then the other one hits him. Was he purposely trying cause the other kid pain? No, he was frustrated and didn't know how to express his thoughts and so he hit the other kid. Now as a parent do you show this kid that hitting is okay by now hitting them? Or do you pull the kid over, give him a time out to calm down, and have a talk with him about how he could have handled that situation better? He wasn't purposly trying to be bad, he just didn't know any better. I would say hitting a kid below 6 is never ever right and causes more harm to your kid than you realize. Try being a parent instead. Now Kids about 7 now absolutely know right from wrong, and so when they are doing bad, then it's acceptable for there to be consequences. Want to hit your 7+ year old kid for being bad? okay. However I will say that over 7 there are other forms of punishment that are more effective. Im sure my kid would rather be hit then lose Minecraft for 2 days.

    So there it is... I've never hit my kids once. My kids are some of the most polite, well behaved, kind children in the school. We've had other children and their parents knock on our door to thank us for one of our kids being a friend to their bullied kid. They don't hit, lie, steal, or really try and do anything they know is wrong. Why? Because when they were little we worked with them on how they should be handling situations better... instead of just hitting them
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    edited September 2014
    News article? lolwat

    No dude, I was wondering where you're finding the basis for your opinions, and you just proved that it's all purely anecdotal after reading how you "just feel like the level of respect has declined". gtfo of here with that crap. I don't care if you got spanked and turned out ok, some kids get molested and turn out ok, and by the logic of your argument then we should be ok with that. 

    Middle schoolers suck, they have always sucked, and will continue to suck. It just angers me when people like you think that there is some great moral decline because you see some shitty middle schoolers and only compare them with the people you associated around back then. We haven't even had a generational change since you left jr high and you're trying to claim that the country is headed to shit cause we don't spank our kids. Oh and what's your argument again? You just feel like that's the case? stfu
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    Nothing if he the injuries weren't excessive
    Yeah middle schoolers are always awful and it pretty much occurs to everyone when they're about 19-20
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    Banned for the season only if the spanking was excessive (deep cuts, injuries to private areas)

    I'm just going to leave it that there is nothing wrong with spanking. You're not wailing on a kid. There are some kids out there who need a serious ass kicking, and they'll be sorry when its someone they're age who kicks their ass for being a dick bag. In a alternate universe where I'd have kids, I would spank and discipline them. Its far from child abuse. 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    Nothing if he the injuries weren't excessive
    Most of the time when I spank my kids, it's to deter them from doing something that will hurt them much worse
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Nothing if he the injuries weren't excessive
    The level of respect for others and other people's property is declining. There used to he a time here where you didn't have to worry about your vehicle getting broken into/vandalized or your home. But that's what these little shit stains do now. Not to mention that goddamn Stuebenville rape case. Even now those boys don't get what they did wrong. They're even allowed to play football now and most of the adults are fine with it. "They learned their lesson and have changed". Lol, ok. 

    There's lack of proper discipline with kids and they also have a massive lack of respect for a lot of things. The problem is, idk where this problem is stemming from. I know some people try all kinds of ways to discipline their kids and nothing ends up working
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Banned for life if he hit the kid with a switch
    Spanking is wrong, and all it does is teach a kid that when they have issues with someone else... Hit them.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Nothing if he the injuries weren't excessive
    Spanking and hitting are two different things. If you don't want to spank your kid, cool. But don't judge the ones that do 
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    Except for the fact that numerous studies that have shown that physical discipline, in general, does much more harm than good.

    But fuck statistics, right? It's all good as long as you know someone who was spanked and turned out ok.
    Banned the rest of the season if he hit the kid with a switch
    Spanking and hitting are two different things. If you don't want to spank your kid, cool. But don't judge the ones that do 
    There aren't two different things. They are the same thing, just different parts of the body. Wake's statement still stands. 
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Nothing if he the injuries weren't excessive
    Don't want to slap your kids hand or spank them on the ass? Good for you. Jesus would love you until the end of time I suppose
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,803 spicy boy
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Banned for life if he hit the kid with a switch
    Spanking and hitting are two different things. If you don't want to spank your kid, cool. But don't judge the ones that do 

    I can judge who I want. It's like this- If I eat a low fat, high protein diet, and run a mile race in 4 minutes. And then someone comes and says "Yeah that works for you, but Don't judge me for eating 4 dozen donuts a day. I can run a mile in 50 minutes, so you're not all that".... Yes I can judge them. It's completely obvious why they are a fat pig who can't run a mile.

    Likewise, I know how to parent. My kids are all very smart, polite, good people. This is 100% a consequence of my ability to parent. A big part of that was how I taught them how to handle situations. I don't just spank them for being bad, but we took time out to discuss how they handled that situation. Spanking/hitting/violence against kids is never an appropriate method of punishment. 

    Banned the rest of the season if he hit the kid with a switch
    Don't want to slap your kids hand or spank them on the ass? Good for you. Jesus would love you until the end of time I suppose
    Is it possible for you to participate in a civil discussion without PMSing or throwing out some nonsensical bullshit like this? 
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Nothing if he the injuries weren't excessive
    This is fucking hilarious
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Banned for life if he hit the kid with a switch
    Don't want to slap your kids hand or spank them on the ass? Good for you. Jesus would love you until the end of time I suppose
    I was dragged to this church once and the pastor gave a hour long lecture on how you should regularly spank your kids or they will grow up to be bad people.

    Anyways, My decision to not hit my kids wasn't made to please anyone outside of my family. It was 100% a decision made in the best interest of my kids. I'd like my kids to be better then I am.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    Banned for the season only if the spanking was excessive (deep cuts, injuries to private areas)
    Spanking and hitting are two different things. If you don't want to spank your kid, cool. But don't judge the ones that do 

    I can judge who I want. It's like this- If I eat a low fat, high protein diet, and run a mile race in 4 minutes. And then someone comes and says "Yeah that works for you, but Don't judge me for eating 4 dozen donuts a day. I can run a mile in 50 minutes, so you're not all that".... Yes I can judge them. It's completely obvious why they are a fat pig who can't run a mile.

    Likewise, I know how to parent. My kids are all very smart, polite, good people. This is 100% a consequence of my ability to parent. A big part of that was how I taught them how to handle situations. I don't just spank them for being bad, but we took time out to discuss how they handled that situation. Spanking/hitting/violence against kids is never an appropriate method of punishment. 

    Good for you Wake. That's why you're a parent and I'm a fat pig who can't run a mile. 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Nothing if he the injuries weren't excessive
    I can't stop cracking up over this. Worry about your own kids niggas
    Banned the rest of the season if he hit the kid with a switch
    I forgot how irate Leah can get. Been awhile.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Nothing if he the injuries weren't excessive
    I didn't come back here to be srsbsns. I came here to piss in cheerios. Although the two paragraphs about my observations on young shitheads was srs, but that's obvious
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