lets hear some stories.
last night my buddy was just drunk as fuck looking for a fight and some dude said he'd end is life so they fought. knocked em out cold in one punch, the other dudes just grabbed their KO'd friend and drug em in the door i was fucking losing it

landed in the sink, smashed the faucet with my spine, and tumbled onto the floor. then a dish landed on my face.
but I got my keys \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/
Tonight, Im seeing Machete Kills and chillin with friends.
so my roommate and suitemates were from socal... all stoners and party folks... so we did a fair amount. then their other friend who moved from LA was right down the hall, so he chilled with us regularly, so that only brought more goods in. and the guy in the room next to his was down with all the stuff too. his name was matt, and he looked like a lot like McLovin
anyway one night in march something of 2010, we had this big party in my suitemates room with all the alcohol we could ask for. shit ton of glass beer bottles, wine bottles, jager bottles, vodka, all the stuff. well one of our friends who bought for us (we were all only 19 and 20 at the time) was headed back to the room and was on the bottom level walking in. he called my suitemate and said that there were a number of cops apparently on some mission to an upper floor. so my suitemate tells us whats up and our friend derek from down the hall peeks out the door, slams it shut, and starts losing his shit in the quietest way possible going "theres fucking eight cops out there next to fuckin matts room!!!" so a few people hide in the shared bathroom, and my roommate and suitemate and I start hiding the bottles... and like I said... there were a TON. so we're scrambling like hell, putting them in random places like in drawers, behind the bed, inside the covers of the bed, and pretty soon my top bunk looks like we fucking tucked in some jager bottle daycare for naptime. then we all sit as quietly as possible in the room and just wait. after a few minutes, one of the guys goes out like he was just passing through casually to see what was up.
matt was getting arrested for heroin possession and that was the last time we ever saw him.
total buzzkill
Went to a movie with a couple friends and hung out most of the night.
And yes, i did have a dr pepper \m/