That Hopscotch Fest in Raleigh is tits. They got Mastodon, High On Fire, Power Trip, Hawkwind, Author & Punisher, KEN Mode, SubRosa and Artificial Brain mixed in with a bunch of indie/hipster stuff like Mapei and How To Dress Well
That Hopscotch Fest in Raleigh is tits. They got Mastodon, High On Fire, Power Trip, Hawkwind, Author & Punisher, KEN Mode, SubRosa and Artificial Brain mixed in with a bunch of indie/hipster stuff like Mapei and How To Dress Well
Last year's lineup was pathetic. Of course they waited until I left Raleigh to get some decent bands. Fuck whoever puts that shit together. Oh well. Might stay with my parents for the weekend and hit that shit up.
That Hopscotch Fest in Raleigh is tits. They got Mastodon, High On Fire, Power Trip, Hawkwind, Author & Punisher, KEN Mode, SubRosa and Artificial Brain mixed in with a bunch of indie/hipster stuff like Mapei and How To Dress Well
Yeah the line-up is incredible, I wish it wasn't so far.
Power Trip and Mammoth Grinder in Detroit \m/
hawk wind still exists?
Does Lemmy still play with them? Lol
Hawkwind never broke up. Lemmy just was one of their bass players
I thought they broke up in like the 70s lol
If they ever played space ritual in full I'd be there
They do it all the time. Not in the states doe to my knowledge
Well that part would kinda help lol
you said you'd be there. Paper.
Well I guess I'm paper then cuz I'm all set
saw prong once, snapped some cool shots for radio, no interest in seeing them again.
fun fact: tommy victor's brother is a plummer for the city of phoenix
>world tour
>5 shows
prong/overkill is a huge mismatch
Last year's lineup was pathetic. Of course they waited until I left Raleigh to get some decent bands. Fuck whoever puts that shit together. Oh well. Might stay with my parents for the weekend and hit that shit up.
stoked to see KSE at tih. Been a fan of them since they first came out. ONe of the only metalcore bands i like.
that boris tour is fucking stacked. Id be absolutely irate had terror fest not been announced today.