@Satan I can kind of see the comparison to those bands. Its weird though I enjoy all of those bands you mentioned I just cant get into Deftones. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
The first day has some decent bands like Goatwhore, Death Angel, Revocation, Battlecross, Iron Reagan, A Band Of Orcs and HOly Grail. Rest is absolute shit
The first day has some decent bands like Goatwhore, Death Angel, Revocation, Battlecross, Iron Reagan, A Band Of Orcs and HOly Grail. Rest is absolute shit
it's really no accident that rock music is dying. its either a bunch of homos in makeup whining or screaming about relationships or a bunch of fake tuff guys playing 9th generation grunge. we don't even have a modern rock radio station in atlanta anymore. it's all pop and rap now
oh wait...
yes, I agree
edit: nah silence is fucking golden.
seems legit
who the fuck is that?