Here's my point of view. I dont read all the float bout random thread and it sucks cause noone makes threads for tours, they just post them in those threads and I used to get most of my show updates from the trous thread. I just really dont understand the point at all of closing the thread, the first reason i was given was so people can make their own threads for each tour, but noone does that, it gets burried between, todd talking about LoG like they just came out yesterday and someones cat having the runs. like I hope we can just have a serious discussion about this, maybe take a vote, i dont know. I just really wish we could use that fucking thread again for tour information. this is the only metal site I visit, but every forum I breeze through has a tours thread. lets talk...
Tours Thread "civil" discussion 28 votes
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He probably thought we'd make a thread for each little tour that comes through
Good way to kill free time at the moment. And like I'll drop out of school... That's just retarded
He's been flagging everything and everywhere
Where has nice lovable Kyle gone