Just finished my first listen on the CD. Initial thoughts were. You can tell that Shannon is not drumming any more as it seemed a little more basic. I was a little disappointed they didn't continue on the path I thought they would with songs like I will return on deflorate and then carbonized in cruciform, blood in the ink on ritual. Only one song really seemed to stand out on this listen which was every rope a noose. I liked the CD but I am also a fanboy of the band. I'm interested to see how I feel upon a few more listens
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
and skully <_________> this is def not tbdms best album
Idk dude after listening to this a bunch, this may in fact be their best album to date imo. It's pretty tough to take the top spot from Nocturnal but this one might have
and skully <_________> this is def not tbdms best album
i haven't listened to miasma in a while. need to listen to that one again