Holy fuck what a faggot. Soft as fucking baby powder. They're words. Odd Future has 2 openly gay/lesbian members (Frank Ocean and Syd.) and are notorious for saying faggot.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
lol. Im surprised you remembered that. But yeah... it does kinda. The guy is so self-righteous it pisses me off greatly. You have no idea how much I want to beat the dude when he says "Look, I am not a bigot, I just don't think fags should have the right to get married. It's against God". When I see how big of a bigot that dude is, I want to be the complete opposite of him. And this dude is not goating me on... He is really hard core christian, has bible studies at work, and is always trying to convert people... and says shit like that.
Personally, I think the longer we consider those words to be disgustingly offensive the longer they'll stay disgustingly offensive. The more people say words like fag, dyke, gay, and the rest the more it takes away from the word. And also, it's ridiculous to say that I can't use those words while simultaneously being a supporter of equal rights. As long as I'm not directly using those words to offend LGBT people, i think it's fine. Especially on a message.
Do you call your white friends nigger? Why not?
I don't call my white friends nigger because I call them faggots.
Personally, I think the longer we consider those words to be disgustingly offensive the longer they'll stay disgustingly offensive. The more people say words like fag, dyke, gay, and the rest the more it takes away from the word. And also, it's ridiculous to say that I can't use those words while simultaneously being a supporter of equal rights. As long as I'm not directly using those words to offend LGBT people, i think it's fine. Especially on a message.
Do you call your white friends nigger? Why not?
I don't call my white friends nigger because I call them faggots.
lol. Im surprised you remembered that. But yeah... it does kinda. The guy is so self-righteous it pisses me off greatly. You have no idea how much I want to beat the dude when he says "Look, I am not a bigot, I just don't think fags should have the right to get married. It's against God". When I see how big of a bigot that dude is, I want to be the complete opposite of him. And this dude is not goating me on... He is really hard core christian, has bible studies at work, and is always trying to convert people... and says shit like that.
Yeah. I figured
It's funny how much irl bullshit effects people here. I sense it a lot. I knew this tirade didn't come from nowhere
does this have anything to do with your ongoing argument with the christian guy at work?
All gays are less of a faggot than you.
But if she whips out her dildo and shoves it up your ass then it does
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
It's funny how much irl bullshit effects people here. I sense it a lot. I knew this tirade didn't come from nowhere