I want to get something off my chest that has been bothering me. And I realize that this post will result in jokes and people not taking it serious, however I still want to say it because it might also inspire positive change in couple people just as it has inspired positive change in me.
I think it is hypocritical for people to say they are in support of equal rights for gays, yet turn around and call someone a faggot on a message board.... Or when talking about something that you hate saying "Man that's gay". If you really supported equal rights for homosexuals than you would stop letting gay be synonymous with lower standard of life. You would stop using it as a derogatory term. I am not talking to those that are bigots and actually believe homosexuals are shouldn't have the same rights as heterosexuals. Bigots and Racists can just GTFO because we havent invented a cure for stupidity yet. Im only talking to those that are for equal rights, but think there is no real harm in using the term as a slur. Yes... there is harm. The harm comes from perpetuating that belief that they are of a lower worth. And maybe saying that term doesn't cause you to really think less of homosexuals, however your words will cause others who might not be as smart as you, to actually believe it. The change can't come from some law to make things right, it has to come from you.
And before anyone says it... Yeah I know i've probably called several people here a faggot in the past. And you know what? I was wrong. but I wont be using that term in that way anymore.
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I am fully aware that the terms have multiple meanings, however when someone is calling another person a faggot on a message board, they don't mean they are a bundle of wood. They are using the term to call them a homosexual with the implied understanding that a homosexual is of a lessor quality human.
All im saying is if you truly do support homosexuals being treated as an equal, then you personally should stop using the term in a derogatory manor. The word being used in a derogatory way will never fully disappear, however if you want change then you can start with the one place you can have an impact with.... Yourself.
That's all im saying. I don't care if others want to be a Bigot, just as I dont care if others want to be a racist. I believe neither is a right, and I can at least stand up for what I believe in. Which is equal rights for all no matter what you skin color, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality is.
"Can I push in your stool?"
"Can I bum a fag?"
"Buggar me!"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
And let me just say that my intent of this thread was not to try prevent hurtful name calling. My intent and stance is solely because I am tired of sexual orientation being a negative thing. When a kid grows up gay, a lot of the time he grows up feeling bad for who he is because society looks down on them. Because people drop those words all the time, and perhaps the word doesnt make them feel bad, but the implication behind it does. These words are the same hate that led people to walkouts and sit-ins over skin color. There is no difference.
Im not saying you can't be a supporter of equal rights and use those words. Im just saying you are a hypocrite for doing so. You're going to stand up and say you support everyone being treated equal, yet turn around and call people faggots as if being a homosexual is a bad thing.
Think about it.
Bottom line is this - You wont be hearing me using those words. That is all there is to it.