Now people are sharing a picture of #2 getting out of the boat on his own like its something super secret we weren't supposed to know. It was reported that he was told to stand up on his own to show that he didn't have explosives, nothing sneaky there.
Yeah..I agree that's stupid...but what I find weird is the pictures of him being taken into custody off the boat with no blood visible any where...and then you see pictures of him laying on the ground all bloody...that ain't right
they placed more then 2 explosives. couldn't it be that he's just carrying a different backpack at that time because he either A) placed the black one already or is placing the white one (which he is carrying in the pic) before the black one? or that black one could've been put their by his brother
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
For reals though...I have no idea what happened... And I don't much care any more. It's probably half true but we will never know what happened so givezfukk
> must be a fed